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50% for over two-thirds of the firefighters currently employed, and 70% <br />for new firefighters. He stressed that firefighters need to have sufficient <br />medical leave to fully recover from an injury or illness; and thereafter <br />presented medical leave maximum accrual comparisons among neighboring <br />Counties. He disclosed that the Union had proposed a Post Employment <br />Health Plan (PEHP) be offered by Nationwide Insurance during the <br />negotiations, but it was rejected. He did not think the County's proposals <br />for Paragraphs 26.01, newly numbered 26.03, newly numbered Paragraph <br />26.05, or newly numbered Paragraph 26.06, made sense; and did not think <br />they were supported by evidence. He recommended Article 26 remain <br />status quo. <br />G. Article 28 — Annual Leave <br />10 minutes each, County presents first <br />8:00 <br />p.m. Attorney Mandel said the issues under Article 28, Annual Leave, were <br />pertaining to Paragraphs 28.01, 28.02, and 28.03. He pointed out that the <br />County's proposal was an attempt to reduce the annual leave accruals and <br />payouts upon separation from employment, consistent to what was done <br />County -wide (internal consistency). He indicated that the change would <br />only apply to those hired after the ratification of the CBA. He <br />recommended the Board approve the County's proposal on the said <br />Paragraphs, as shown in Exhibit N. <br />Attorney Mierzwa voiced concern that under Article 28, Annual Leave, the <br />County Administrator's proposal would place the firefighters at the lowest <br />rate of annual accrual, which would be problematic and unfair in light of <br />their 56 -hour work week. He emphasized, after showing comparisons with <br />neighboring counties, that the County Administrator's proposals would put <br />the Indian River Firefighters at the bottom of every benefit. He stressed <br />that this information would quickly spread to all workers, and soon Indian <br />River County would be experiencing turn -over and hiring problems. He <br />urged the Board not to further destroy the morale of the department. <br />H. Article 33 — Incentive Pay <br />15 minutes each, Union presents first <br />8:06 <br />p.m. Attorney Mierzwa announced that Paragraph 33.10 was the only <br />paragraph under Article 33 that remained in dispute. He reported that the <br />County's budget had been funding 86 solo paramedic incentive slots <br />annually, but the Fire Chief had not filled them, which is why the Union <br />wanted to keep the language that the County would fund the slots, and add <br />the language that the Fire Chief would fill them, because failure to do so, <br />negatively impacts the ability for employees to take vacations, choose Kelly <br />Days, and engage in shift exchanges. He also requested the Board adopt the <br />language that would allow the State Certified Medical Director to approve <br />protocoled paramedics to function as solo medics. <br />Impasse Hearing <br />March 20, 2015 Page 6 <br />