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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:22:10 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 9:22:08 AM
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1 <br />I <br />1 <br />I- <br />LM AY, 91 BR 3 r-4 1935 <br />In regular session <br />The Board of County Conal ®stoners in and - for Indian River county$ Ylorida, meV at the <br />Court Mous® in Vero Beaeh at 1000 060100k A. X. Tueeday, mocember 3rd 19309 with the follow- <br />ing members of the Board present: d. d. P. Hamilton, c1hairuan; R. 8. Madge; S. P. Poole and <br />Bdwih A. Helseth. A► cont Break 0. Vickers, 4ag present were Chas. A. 1dtohell9 Attorney, <br />sen. W. Frick, sheriff, a8d ;files ftrron, Clerke <br />the miamtes of the BO,p;d of the meetings held August 9th; 'Sept* 3rd; 9th and 21st and <br />00t..1st and 15th wore read and approved, <br />ni os -81®rence autheridgg, Psderal Nurse appeared before the Board and requested that the <br />sun of 934.40 per appropriated to pay her salary for a period of 2 weeks, she advising that <br />at the expiration of the two weeks the Federal Authorities would then probably place bar in <br />the same position. It ahs ordered t#;Lt this mount be appropriated and paid to Miss Btheridge <br />to not as Nurse during the two weeks. <br />j9pl1cation_ of James 7 * Barrett for a license to sell liquor was received and carefully <br />considered and the same was ordered approved, <br />Commissioner Midge introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption,to-wits- <br />BB IT H23OLVBB that the minLwm wage scale to be paid to persons employed in the can. <br />straction of the Indian River County Court. House at Vero Hench, laorids shall be as follows, <br />There shall be <br />paid each <br />employee engaged <br />in the trade or occupation listed below not <br />less than the hourly <br />-rely: <br />Bat 47 -wage rate. - <br />_.:sHe9ip��¢ �sheet,=tern- �� <br />•tlarp$nt@r8. s -r � i •.-r ti .:s ss ..-.-s,.wf•��Qf� <br />,PB�IIt@mss. r.•rs9r•sr�.l�.,r..,.. ss*. w �-r. s�-.�s <br />P-1-ttere-rs, and . b=rl ak, nee s -. . <br />Pltuubers ....................1.00 ,. <br />�1eQ�rri�ia�s,� . ys. r. s-.•rs ►7 .srr�r.��... <br />Sheet metal workers........91.00 <br />BE IT NB30LUD that the foregoing wage scale be made a part of aqy contract for the con- <br />struction of said Indian River County Court House and that all persone, fixats or corporations <br />engaged in the construction of said Indian River County Court House be required to observe <br />the foregoing wage scale and pat employees in accordance therewith. <br />The adoption of the resolution being duly seoonded, upon roll call it was adopted by <br />the following Tutee Ayes: Commissioners #Olseth; Madge; Poa+93e and iiamilton. Hayes Bone. <br />Tho resolution was declared.adopted. <br />It was ordered that Sri Iva H V4jtiks ioelie ere, be restored to the Mothers Pension <br />list to receive the Bum of 66.00 per month. <br />It was ordered that.. be reduced <br />to the aunt _indicated: <br />Mrs Zessie Yates, Sebastian reduced tobb.00 <br />Mrs. d. 3. Miliken, struck from the list <br />It was ordered that the Mothers Pension allowance made to Ctrs. Bertha Morrison be reduced <br />to *5.00 per montho <br />it was ordered that Mrs. Dama, Cos, be stricken from the Mothers Pension llet, it appear - <br />4109 to the satisfaction of the Board she is not in need. <br />It was ordered that Lula j*vis, (001.) Gifford, be placed on the pauper list to receive <br />the ams of 64.00 per month <br />Miss Leila M Ba►nkley appeared before the Board and requested an appropriation to purchase <br />thread to be used in the Community selring rooms under :corks Progress Administration, and the <br />
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