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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:21:10 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 9:23:19 AM
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />17� <br />TUE DAY, J`"UARY 7th 1936. . <br />Inre scion <br />Thai Board of County Commissioners in and zor indian River County, Florida, m�al Ire <br />Court Rouge in Vsro Beach at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, January ?th 19366 with the foil-, <br />owing members of the Board presents J. J. F. Hamiltons Chairman; Frank Co Vickers; X. B., <br />Mudge and B. P. Tbole. .absent Adwin A. Helseth. 4ilso present were William b. Frick, Sheriff, <br />Chas, A. MI tohell, Attorney and Miles Warren, Clercso <br />henry and Thomas J. Reeds Roseland appeared before the Board with a petition signed _ <br />by three persons requesting that certa3.n streets in the unincorporated town of Roseland be <br />opened. After some discussion no action was tarsen. <br />It was ordered that Mrs. Amma Uo:m Vero beach, be placard on the Mothers' Pension list <br />to receive the sum of '010.00 per month. <br />Applications for persalts to secure license to sell liquors were received by C. C. Dailey <br />and The Riomar Corporation, and atter thoroughly discussing each or the said applications <br />and taking into consideration a conviction or C. C. Dailey for a violation of the liquor lege <br />of the state, and upon advice or the County Attorney, it was ordered that the application or <br />Ce C. Dailey be rejected and the application of The fti omar Corporation Anis duly approved. <br />L. H. 'Seidler, representing the Taxis Corporation appeared before the Board regarding the <br />Purchase of gasoline and oils for County use during the year 1936. It was ordered that the <br />Clerk prepare notice and have published inviting proposals from all gasoline and oil represen- <br />tatives to be received at the regular meeting to be held Tuesday, February 4th 1936. <br />P. H. Chesser, wabasso, appeared before the Board regarding rents due him by Nrs.Daa,isy <br />Barker, vabasso, who is receiving aid from the County as a pauper. The Board advised Mr. <br />Chesser that nothing can be done in the matter. <br />The Deputy Sheriff bond or L. H. walker, in the sum of *1,000.00 with J. J. Bustin and <br />F. S. Heir:er, as sureties was approved. <br />Sasie Blake, negro, appeared before the Board requesting assistance for her blind hus'- <br />band. Commissioner Poole agreed to investigate the case. <br />G. B. Barkoskie, Fellsmere, appeared before the Board and requested permission to con - <br />a:tra:ct a cattle guard across public road used only by one family—which road is west or wabasse. <br />The Board approved the request provided the cattle guard is placed at the expense or hr. <br />Barkookie and keep in proper oxer and shape. <br />M303T ION. <br />The following resolution was introduced by Uoaarmissioner Poole, who mob'ed its adoptions <br />WHEREAS, the Board of kdminis'tration has submitted certain proposals of firms, individuals <br />and corporations offering to sell to said Board of Administration certain bonds of the County <br />of Indian Rivers under the provisions of House Bill No. 30, Acts of the 1933 Legislature, an((, <br />WENZASO after carefully considering all of snub proposals, and taking into consideration <br />the amount of funds available for that purpose, and the approximate value of said bonds, it <br />Is deemed advisable :end expedient to purchase certain of said bonds, to -wit: <br />one (1 J Bt . Lucie County head &, Bridge Si art #1 bond <br />at 61 flat <br />THEISFORE9 BE IT RESOLVED, that the :hoard of Admiinistration be requested to purchase the <br />foregoing bond in accordance with the terms of the offerings as submitted. <br />The foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner nudge, and upon 'being put to <br />. a vote the same was unanimously adopted.. <br />Miss laila h. Bunkley representinS the works Progress Administration appeared before the <br />Board and requested use of Uounty Trucks to transport w.F.R.laborers. The request was denied. <br />B. 'v. Shrewsberry appeared before the Board regarding his place of business karst or <br />the Vero Bridge located on Bridge right -of -waxy and explained his physical conditiono lie was <br />advised if necessary to move he would be given ample time to do this. f <br />
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