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RESOLUTION NO. 2015- 064 <br />RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA, WITH <br />THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRMAN'S EXECUTION OF A <br />COUNTY INCENTIVE GRANT PROGRAM - LOCALLY FUNDED AGREEMENT AND THREE PARTY ESCROW <br />AGREEMENT FOR RIGHT OF WAY APPRAISAL, CONSULTANT, ACQUISITION, AND RELOCATION SERVICES <br />OF VARIOUS PARCELS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT SR -60 AND 43RD <br />AVENUE <br />WHEREAS, the acquisition of right of way for the construction of intersection improvements at SR -60 <br />and 43rd Avenue is an Indian River County priority project; and <br />WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) is prepared to provide funds to pay 50 <br />percent of the cost for Right of Way Appraisal, Consultant, Acquisition, and Relocation Services of Various <br />Parcels for the Construction of Intersection Improvements at SR -60 and 43rd Avenue under the County <br />Incentive Grant Program (CIGP); and <br />WHEREAS, the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners is responsible for paying 50 <br />percent of the project costs as its portion of funding for acquisition of right of way for the construction of <br />intersection improvements at SR -60 and 43rd Avenue. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF INDIAN RIVER <br />COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Chairman of the Board is hereby authorized to make, execute, and deliver to the <br />State of Florida, Department of Transportation, the County Incentive Grant Program — Locally_ Funded <br />Agreement and Three Party Escrow Agreement for the aforementioned project. <br />The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner o,Brvan who moved its adoption. The motion <br />was seconded by Commissioner r)avi a and, upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: <br />Chairman Wesley S. Davis AVa <br />Vice -Chairman Bob Solari Ave <br />Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan Aye _ <br />Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher Aye <br />Commissioner Tim Zorc Ave <br />May <br />The Chairman thereupon declared the resolution passed and adopted this l gth day of <br />, 2015. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSSIONERS <br />OF IND N RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />oe <br />Wesley S. Davis, Chairman <br />Attest: Jeffrey R. 7r(o <br />ith, Clerk of Court <br />and oller <br />De tY Clerk v <br />Ap asto, or and gal - ufficiency <br />ylan Reingold, County Attorney <br />:z• 0. <br />F:\Public Works\ENGINEERING DIVISION PROJECTS\0853-43rd AVE 18th ST to 26th ST (Arcadis)\Admim\agenda items\FDOT CIGP LFA Agenda <br />041515\0853 - Resolution CIGP - LFA Agreement 041515.doc <br />