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Housing Needs. Based on information provided by the applicable Consolidated Plan, information provided by HUD, and other generally available <br />data, make a reasonable effort to identify the housing needs of the low-income, very low-income, and extremely low-income families who reside in <br />the jurisdiction served by the PHA, including elderly families, families with disabilities, and households of various races and ethnic groups, and <br />other families who are on the public housing and Section 8 tenant -based assistance waiting lists. The identification of housing needs must address <br />issues of affordability, supply, quality, accessibility, size of units, and location. <br />Active HCV Participants: <br />I. HCV Section 8 Household composition report (HAPPY Software as of February 10, 2015): <br />Member Count: 715 <br />Elderly: 164 <br />Disabled: 166 (count includes some elderly) <br />Female: 490 <br />Hispanic: 51 <br />Household Composition report grouped by Zip Code: <br />32948: Member Count=8, Elderly=2, Disabled= 1, Female=5, Hispanic=l <br />32958: Member Count=100, Elderly=42, Disabled=21, Female=70, Hispanic=12 <br />32960: Member Count= 182, Elderly=23, Disabled=45, Female=l 18, Hispanic=18 <br />32962: Member Count=] 76, Elderly=51, Disabled=28, Female=119, Hispanic=3 <br />32966: Member Count=59, Elderly=38, Disabled=34, Female=44, Hispanic=4 <br />32967: Member Count= 180, Elderly=8, Disabled=34, Female=125, Hispanic=13 <br />32968: Member Count=9, Elderly=0, Disabled=3, Female=6, Hispanic=0 <br />Average Annual Total Income: $13,464.15 <br />Active HCV Waiting List report: <br />2. <br />Waiting list total as of February 16, 2015: 327 <br />3. <br />Totals by income percentage (HAPPY Software as of February 16, 2015): <br />Extremely low income = 212 64.83% <br />Very low income = 113 34.56% <br />Low income = 1 .31% <br />Over income limit = 1 .31% <br />4. <br />Totals by Ethnicity: Hispanic = 22 6.69% and Non -Hispanic = 256 78.29% <br />5. <br />Totals by Racial Group: <br />9.0 <br />American Indian/Alaska Native <br />0.00c"r, <br />.Asian <br />0.00111 <br />01°1 <br />Black/African American <br />266 81.35% <br />Native Hawaiian/Pac.Island <br />0.00% <br />White <br />30 9.171 <br />6. <br />Totals by Bedroom Size: <br />I BR: 77 <br />2 BR: 194 <br />3 BR: 50 <br />4 BR: 6 <br />Indian River County Board of County Commissioners Comprehensive Plan Housing Elements (known as the Consolidated Plan) states: <br />COST BURDEN (from Indian River County Board of County Commissioners Comprehensive Plan): <br />Generally, households needing assistance are those households in the extremely low and very low income categories. Those are households with <br />annual incomes less than $24,999. According to the Census, 14,698 Indian River County households were in those two income categories in 2000. <br />Because of high housing costs, many of those 14,698 households may have housing affordability problems. <br />For renter households, housing cost includes contract rent and some allowance for utilities. In 2000, 4,414 (40.3017) renter households with the <br />county were pay mg more than 30 percent of their income for rent. In some cases, this represents an affordability problem, but in other cases this <br />represents people choosing to spend a higher percentage of their income to obtain better housing. <br />According to the Shimberg Center for Affordable Housing, 13,577 Indian River County households paid more than 30% of their income for <br />housing in 2005. In that same year, 5,066 of those households paid more than 50%r of their income for housing. <br />Table beloA, protides a breakdown of cost burden between homeowner's and renters: <br />Households paying between 30- Households paying more than Total <br />50°% of income for housing 50% of income for housing <br />Owner households 5,747 3,113 8,860 <br />Renter households 2,764 1,953 4,717 <br />Total 8,511 5,066 13,577 <br />form HUD -50075 (4/2008) <br />