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r <br />s� <br />mr J. P. Sibley, Wabasso, Flo,., appeared before the Board and requested the use <br />of the County Dredge f•or the purpose of filling: the holey and grading on the road through <br />his upper plaice in Wabasso, Fla. Mr Sibley stated. that he- would be willing to pay the County <br />approximately $75.00 for the Dredge and Driver for about- 3 days. No action was token by <br />the Board. <br />A request from Bliss Ruth B. Owen,of the Works Progress Administration, that the <br />federal unit be allowed an office in the new Court Howe. was referred to Commissioners <br />Ed*.n A* Helseth and E. P. Poole in order that they might survey the situation and report <br />their findings to the Board. . <br />Fronk A. Knight, Road Superintendent, mode a verbal report to the Board on <br />roods and bridges. <br />A tenantive list of equipment for the various offices in the new Court House, exceptin6 <br />the Court Room, was prepared and presented to the Board by Mr Davis and Mr Rice. No action <br />was taken by the Board. <br />It, was moved by Edwin A. Helseth and seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried that <br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, and W*H.Gorns, Architect and Supervisor of the <br />- with P.W.A. offici <br />new Cpurt House project, go to Jacksonville, Fla. aa„nft endeavor to arrange/for the removal <br />of County offices into the new Court House at once . <br />i <br />Manley Kersey nppeared before the Board and requested that he be permitted to rent <br />ihe' County Road Roller for one day. This request was granted for aa. consideration of. $ 10.00 <br />and this amount was paid to the Clerk, Douglas Baker.. <br />It was moved by E. P. Poole and seconded by Edwin A. Helseth and carried that any <br />County equipment rented in the future would be rented only when accompanied by a County <br />Operator and or Employee. <br />/ W.H.Garns, architect aid supervisor of the new Court House, presented plans and or <br />specifications for Colored Toilets in connection with the New Court House. He stated the <br />approximate total cost, according to plans and specifications submitted, would be $ 1600.00 <br />No action was taken by the Board. <br />An invitation was reveaived .from the Ft. Pierce Chamber of Commerce to place an exibit <br />of Indiaan River County,in their fair to be field January 25th. to 30th. 1937. This was re- <br />ferred to our Secretary of Chamber of Commerce, E. G. Thatcher with power to act without <br />expense to the County. ` <br />On motion made by Edwin A. Helseth and seconded by S.E.Glover and carried Douglas <br />Baker, Clerk and ".n. Frick, ;Sheriff, were appointed as a committee to obtain bids and or <br />estimates and to have the lowest bidder move the county safe, being used by the Clerk, to <br />the new Court House. <br />Commissioner E. P. Poole introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />adoptions to -wits <br />Wherene, Indian River County, Florida has been engaged in the construction of a County <br />Court House at Vero Beaach, Florida under and by virtue of a grant and loan from the Public <br />Works Administration of the Federal Government; and <br />Whereas, H. E. Herrmaa,n, throughout the major period of time that such Court House has <br />been under construction, has been the resident engineer and inspector on behalf of the Public <br />Works Administration and for the said project; and <br />Whereas, during the period of time that the said Mr H. E. Herrman has been such residen <br />engineer and inspector the work on said prof ect: hays proceeded rapidly and Indian River County <br />and the contractor on the said job and all other persons concerned have enjoyed the greatest <br />possible cooperation and assistance from the said H.E.Herrman and the progress in the const - <br />traction of said Court House has been greatly facilitated through the efforts of Mr Herrmann; <br />therefore, <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />