<br />1'
<br />The resolution was coy seconded by Comisgloner Relseth, and upon being put to a,
<br />vote the Same Was unanimously adopted*
<br />to -wit:
<br />RX80LTTTOL
<br />Conmissioner Poole introduced the following resolution and Moved its adoption„
<br />IBES, Indian River County, Florida, did under date of February 19, 1936; utter
<br />into sr contract with fin. Renslok, as contractor for the construction of a 6-®tory, fire proof,
<br />county court house for Indian River County, Florida, which project in entitled Docket 4020-R
<br />of the Public Works Administration; and
<br />Said project I s now 99.4 per cent completed and all that ruins to be
<br />done under and by virtue of said contract is the installation of partitions in rest rooms in
<br />said building# and the said contractor having reported to this Board that said partitions have
<br />been duly ordered and have been delayed In transportation by reason at flood oondlfi Ions in
<br />the area through which said partitions must be forwarded, and that such delay is not the fault
<br />CC the contractor; and
<br />WHIEMAB, the said contract provides a penalty agaaizat the contractor, Wm. Hensick,
<br />,of $15000 per day beginning February fit, 19537, for failure to complete said project prior to
<br />said date, and the said contractor having requested Indian RIvea County, Florida, to waive
<br />said penalty by reason of the fasts hereinbefore► set out, and the said BaarA having found that
<br />one day's time Is all that shrill be required to complete said project upon the arrival of said
<br />partitions; therefore,
<br />Be It Resolved that the Board of County Commissioners ct Indian River County,
<br />Florida, does hereby waive said penalty of $25.00 per day beginning February 2, 19379 as
<br />against said contractor, Wn0 Hensiok, provided that such waiver sholl not in any Winner chane
<br />or very - other terms ani conditions at
<br />said contract or
<br />the performnoe
<br />bond securing the some,
<br />and farther provided that this waiver
<br />shall not became
<br />effective until
<br />it sha.0 be approved
<br />by the Public 'Works Administration,
<br />The motion for the adoption of the resolution being duly seconded, it was declared
<br />adopted by the following vote,
<br />to -wit:
<br />Ayes: Mudge, Helsaeth, Poole, Vickers and Glover,
<br />Days; Bone
<br />RRS Oz]ZT I_t3N
<br />Commissioner Helseth introduced the following resolution and moved its adoptions
<br />'Whereas under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 969, of the Compiled
<br />General Daws of Florida, it is the duty of this Board of County Commissioners to select at
<br />Its first regular meeting in February a newspaper In which shan be publi-shad the notice of
<br />the Tait Collector of Indian River County of the mae at- real estate in said County for the
<br />nonpayment of taxes thereon;' therefore,
<br />Be It Resolved that the Board of County Conmission+ere of Indian River County,
<br />Dori ds, at this, its first regular meeting in February, 1937, does hereby designate and
<br />select the Vero Asch Press-,TourXMl, a newspaper of general circulation published in the City
<br />of Vero Beach, Indian River County, Slorl da, as the newspaper in which ahall be published the
<br />notice and advertisement of the Tax Collector of Ind a n River County, Florida of sale oC real
<br />estate in said County upon *icn taxes have not been paid as provided by XW; that this Bos,rd
<br />of County Commissioners does herewith determine Haat the said newspaper so selected has been
<br />continuously published in Indian River County, Floridafor as period of more than one year
<br />prior to its selection;: ��
<br />