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<br />THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd, 1937,
<br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at the
<br />Court House in Vero Beach, in Special meeting called by the Chairman, -at 10:00 o'clock A. M.
<br />Thursday, April 22nd., 1937, with the following members of the Board present: R. E. Mudge,
<br />Chairman; Edwin A. Helseth, Frank C. Vickers, E. P. Poole and S. E. Glover. Al so present
<br />were'Wm. Frick, Sheriff, Chas. A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />Prior to this meeting all Companies and or their represenatives, who formerly bdbr►itted
<br />bids on furniture and fixtures for the Court House, were advised of this special meeting and
<br />their presence was requested in order that they might approve or disapprove the plans and
<br />specifications as prepared by Mr Frank J. Link, district manager of the Art fetal Constructi!
<br />Company. No objections being made,on motion made by S. E. .Glover.seconded_by E. P..Poole and
<br />carried it was ordered that the Board readvertise for bids on furniture and or equipment
<br />according to plans and specifications submitted by Mr Frank J. Link.
<br />It was moved by E. P. Poole seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried that the Board
<br />accept the Guarantee submitted by Johns -Manville on the asphalt tile floor in the Court House.1
<br />The Clerk was instructed to write the Penninuslar Chemical Company with-referrence to.
<br />obtaining a letter of approval and or consent from Lotspeich Flooring Company, Miami, Fla.,
<br />to use the soap purchased from the Penninsular Chemical Company on the asphalt the floor in
<br />the Court House.
<br />It was ordered that Eva.J. Voj.tik, Fellsmere, Fla., be placed on the Mothers Pension
<br />to receive the sum of $10.W.per month, effective April lat. 1937, untill the further orders
<br />of the Board.'
<br />On motion made by Frank C. Vickers seconded by E. P. Poole and carried the Board instruc-
<br />ted the Tax Collector Troy E. Doody, to proceed to levy upon property of all tax payers owing
<br />personal property taxes which are delinquent.
<br />On motion made by Frank C. Vickers seconded by S. E. Glover and carried the Board ins-
<br />tructed Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector, to furnish Chas. A. Mitchell, Prosecuting Attorney, in.'
<br />ormation as to all persons, firms and corporations who have not paid their occupational livens
<br />fees and that unless the same be paid within ten days and without further notice the County
<br />Prosecuting Attorney is instructed to file information against such persons, firms or corpor-
<br />ations.
<br />Mr A. C. MacConnell, City Clerk, appeared before the Board and requested a hearing
<br />from Hon. A. W. Young, Mayor, and members of the City Council with reference to State,& County
<br />taxes due the County on McAnsh Park property and certain taxes claimed due the City on a por-
<br />tion of Road and Bridge district taxes collected within the City limits. The request was
<br />granted and the hearing was set for 2:00 o'clock P. M. Tuesday, May 11th. 1937.
<br />Mr R. E. Crummer of R. E. Crummer & Company appeared bef6re the Board.and.submitted
<br />a proposal to refund Special Road and Bridge District # 4 Bonds. The Board instructed Mr
<br />Crummer that they would consider such proposal.
<br />It was moved by Frank C. Vickers seconded by S. E. Glover and carried that the Board
<br />accept the bid and or estimate of J. G. Ambrose to furnish and install one Crane Company
<br />Automatic Water_�Qaer,:Drain, connect same to drain now in place complete for the sum of
<br />Fifty Dollars.
<br />kl-
<br />The Clerk.was instructed to obtain information .as to prices types and so on regarding
<br />a small road oiler and submit such inforamtion at the next Board.meeting.
<br />It was ordered that the Board purchase 1 Road and Bridge District 4 Bond @ .92/,,Q-�
<br />and Road and Bridge District #4 Coupons @ .75 from funds available for that purpose.
<br />It was moved by Edwin A. Helseth seconded by S. E. Glover and carried that the County
<br />appropriate $129.173and a warrant drawn on the General Revenue Fund for said amount to be
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