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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:20:49 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 9:41:36 AM
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1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />11 <br />109, <br />Welfare Act *of Florida. <br />The motion'for,the'adoption of the res611ition being duly seconded by Commissioner <br />Glover, it was declared adopted'by the following vote: <br />Ayes: Nudge, Poole, Helseth, Vickers and Glover. ' <br />Nays: Done. ' . <br />"There being no. further business on motion made, seconded and earried,_the Board ad - <br />jou ed to meet on Tuesday May 4th; 1937 at 10:00 o1oloek A.M: Y� <br />Clerk, chairman, <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - <br />QDAY,, 1�� 4th. 1937. <br />The Board of'County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at <br />Court.House in Vero Beach at 9:00 o'clock A.M. Tuesday,May 4th. 19399, with the following'mem- <br />bers of the Board present: R.E.Mudge,Chairmari; Edwin A.Helseth, E.P.Poole and Frank C. Vickers <br />Also present were William Frick,Sheriff, Chas. A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, and Dougla <br />Baker,Clerk. Absent; S.E.Glover. <br />The minutes of`April 6th. and 22nd, were read -and approved'as read. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley,County_Nurse, appeared,before�the Board and made a verbal re- <br />port of her activities for the month of April 1937. She reported in particular on the ease of <br />Mrs. J.B.MoNeal, Winter'Beach, Fla, and submitted an application for a Mother's Pension for <br />Mrs. McNeal. <br />Mr. Gus. Stinson and others from Wabasso, Fla, appeared before the Board with the <br />complaint that a road had been elosed,which in'their opinion was a County road,and Mr. Chase <br />of Chase and Company also appeared before the Board and stated -in his opinion it was not a <br />County road. Said road being located southwest of Wabasso and in connection with the Chase pro! <br />I <br />-perty. It was brought out that "No Trespassing" signs had been placed across the road about <br />two weeks prior to the meeting for the first time. <br />Mr. J.Casper submitted a bid of $112.00 for scrap iron owned by the County and the <br />Orlando Metal Company -bid $102.50 for said iron. On motion made by'Edwin°A. Helseth seconded bj <br />E. P. Poole and carried the bid of $112.00 from Mr. J.Casper was accepted and the Clerk in- <br />structed to deposit this money in the Road and Bridge Fund. <br />Chas. A*Mi:tchell, Attorney for the Board, reported that the County Commissioners did <br />not have the authority to lessen the requirements made by State Laws on Public Roads and had <br />control over secondary roads only. <br />It was ordered that a Warrant be drawn on the General Revenue Fund in the amount of <br />$62.50 payable- to Mrs Gray as the final half month rent on the old .Court House. <br />It was ordered that W. x. Dunean,Tax Assessor, be authorized to have desks worked <br />over in the Tax Assessor's office for the sum of $25.00® <br />On Motion made by Z.P.Poole,seconded by Frank Co Vickers and carried the Bid of L.N. <br />Dellerman Plumbing Company for the sum of $91.00 and the Bid of J.H#Baker for the sum of $118.1 <br />for labor and material on the old Court House was accepted and the said Contractors were ins- <br />tructed to proceed with the work. <br />.It was moved by Edwin A. Helseth seconded by E.P.Poole and carried that the Board <br />purchase 1 #84 H;D. Maintenance (210 Gal.)Eettle,with thermometer,, mounted on legs for the sum <br />of $205.00 f.o.b. factory Cincinnati., Ohio. <br />It was moved by Edwin A. Helseth seconded by E.P.Poole and carried that the Board <br />purchase 1 Motor ?riven Oil Spray for the sum of $230.00 f.o.b.'Cineinnati, Ohio. <br />It was moved by Frank C. Vickers seconded by Edwin A.Helseth and carried -that the <br />Board set aside #3000.00 to purchase furniture and fixtures for the Court Hous4 to place one <br />half of the remainder in the General Revenue Fund and the remaining balance in the Road and <br />Bridge Fund from the anticipated additional race track funds. <br />
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