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'114 <br />Thereupon the following bid was then publicly opened and read aloud, to -wits <br />Speeder Machinery Corporation ( f.o.b. factory) <br />$6,760.00 -- <br />1 -Model A-2 Speeder Dragline Complete with - <br />301 Boom; 3/8 Cubic Yard Dragline Bucket; Ll Steel..enclosed cab; Model #6600 <br />Caterpillar Full Diesel engine; 16" Crawler Tread Shoes; Weight 23.,000 pounds. <br />After careful consideration and discussion it was moved by Edwin A. Helseth seconded <br />by E. P. Poole and unanimously carried that the Board purchase the Speeder Dragline accor <br />to said bid and specification on the following terms, to -wit: <br />Allowance on Model B-1 Speeder Dragline ( owned by the County) $ 750.00; Cash on del- <br />ivery $1100.00 of which $600.00 of this amount is or will be represented by assignment of 3 <br />months rental at $200.00 per month on Universal Crane. Balance of rental on Universal Crane <br />will be collected by Speeder Machinery CoIrporation and applied on purchase of new Dragline <br />and the said Corporation will furnish the Clerk with a Credit Memo each month. One half of <br />the remaining balance due on new Dragline will be paid December 15th. 1937 and the remaining <br />balance to be paid June 1st. 1938. Deferred payments to bear interest at the rate of 4%. <br />Mr G. Terry Robinson appeared before the Board with referrence to Lawn Mower for the <br />purpose of mowing the lawn on the Jail grounds and other County property. On motion made by <br />Edwin A. Helseth seconded by S. E. Glover and carried the Board purchased said mowing machine <br />at a price of $175.00 plus freight on terms as follows to -wit; $100.00 down payment and the <br />balance to be paid on or before November 15th. 1937. <br />On motion made by E. P. Poole seconded by S. E. Glover and carried the Clerk was <br />instructed to draw a warrant on the"Court House Fund" payable to Wm. H. Hensick for the sum <br />of $6421.00 representing final payment on Court House contract except $500.00 to be held <br />untill further orders of the Board. <br />Mr R. D. Carter and Mr A. S. Pfarr appeared before the Board with regard to ditching <br />certain ditches west of Wabasso. Mr Pfarr was advised that the County would furnish the Mach <br />and operator for the sum of $12.50 per day. <br />Oct. 6 � <br />A letter was received and read,with referrence to an appropriation of $450.00/,from. <br />Florida National Exibits stating that they would appreciate payment of said appropriation <br />which was the quota for this County to the cost of Florida National Exibits at Cleveland,Ohio.l <br />Chas. A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, was instructed to advise the proper authorities <br />that the Board would make said payment in the very near future or as soon as possible. <br />A letter was received and read from the City of Fellsmere requesting that certain ,stye <br />repairs be made also requesting that a small piece of new asphalt road be constructed ffom <br />South Carolina Street to the Rail Road track, a distance of about 20 feet. On motion made by <br />E. P. Po6 le seconded by S. E. Glover and carried these requests were granted and Mr Frank A. <br />Knight, Road Superintendent, was instructed to proceed with the work. <br />On Motion made by S. E. Glover seconded by E. P. Poole and carried the Board decided <br />to advertise for bids on a mowing machine outfit. <br />E. P. Poole and Edwin A. Helseth were appointed as a committee of two to make invest- <br />igations regarding shades or venetians blinds for the Court House. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board on motion made by Frank C. <br />Vickers seconded by S. E. Glover and carried the Board adjourned. <br />h.air man. <br />ATTEST <br />C LER K. <br />!A <br />