<br />i
<br />MSAM JUNK 15th.., 1937
<br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian giver County, Florida, met
<br />at the Court House in Vero Beach, in regular adjourned session, at 10:00 o'clock A, M. Tues-
<br />day, June 15th. 1937, with the following members present; A, E, Mudge, Chairman; E,P, Poole;
<br />Edwin A. Helseth; Frank C, Vickers and S, E. Glover. Also present were arm. Frick, Sheriff,
<br />fherman a. Smith Jr,,, Attorney,. and Douglas Baker, Clerk,
<br />It was announced by the Chairman that the time had arrived, namely 10;00 o'clock
<br />A..M,, for the opening of sealed bids in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian
<br />River County, up to 10:00 o'clock A,M., June 15th4' 1937 for one tractor with mowing machine
<br />attachment complete for Indian River County in accordance with specifications as invited by
<br />public notice published in the Vero Beach Press -Journal, a newspaper of general circulation
<br />published at Vero beach, Indian River County, Florida, and sworn proof of publication of said
<br />public notice being herewith filed and reading as follows,
<br />to -wit:
<br />?-- - � L E
<br />AEFidav'It of Publication SUN 51937
<br />Personally before me, the undersigned, an officer ''
<br />authorized under the laws of said State to administer
<br />oaths, came J. J. Schumann, business manager of the
<br />Vero Beach Press -Journal, a newspaper published in Vero NOTICE OF RECRxVING BIDS
<br />Beach, Indian River County, Florida, who, being first
<br />duly sworn, says that the Vero Beach Press -Journal is a (' Notice i8 hereby given that the soave
<br />I of County Commissioners of Indian River
<br />newspaper which has been continuously published at least County, Florida will receive bids in the
<br />once a week, and which has been entered as second class office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in
<br />mail matter, in Vero Beach, Indian River County, Flori the Court House at Vero Beach, Florida
<br />da, for a period of more than one yearnext preceding the until the hour of 10:oo o'clock A. M.
<br />first insertion of this publication; that the advertisement June ls, 1957 and immediately thereafter
<br />a copy of which is hereto :attached, was published in the will publicly open said bids for the pur-
<br />Vero Beach Press -Journal chase by Indian River County of one
<br />tractor with mowing machine attachment
<br />complete and fitted with rubber tires and
<br />for... .:.......... consecutive weeks, as follows, mowing machine to have five, six or seven
<br />to -wit: ifoot blades. Prices to be on both cash
<br />and term basis. Said. Board reserves the
<br />to r
<br />. bight elect any and all bids
<br />..
<br />FLORIDA.
<br />By R. E. Mudge, Chairman
<br />Attest: Douglas Baker, Clerk
<br />.. ......................q.
<br />... May Z& zt � I a d June A
<br />- I
<br />A-
<br />g''.. Business Manager.
<br />Sworn to and subscribed before me, this....... .
<br />day of.. °x ...............1931.,..
<br />I .
<br />A.r"uit Court,
<br />Indian River County, Florida
<br />I '
<br />Thereupon the following"bids were then publicly opened and read aloud, to wit:
<br />Shaffer & MacDonald Hardward Co., ( John Deere) 10150.00
<br />Luther and Knight, (Silver Ping) 190501,00
<br />Luther and Knight. (Oliver ) 19372,50
<br />J. B Brower, Inc„ . (McCormick -Deering) ls,127 # 70
<br />After watching the several machines in action and aft�or;. areful consideration
<br />on motion made._ by .S, ,R, Glover seconded by Frank C, Vickers and c6tkiaa thq� Board accepted
<br />the bid submitted by J, B, Brewer, Inc., for the McCormack -veering maclAine at -a price of
<br />019127!70 with the priviledge of paying 0227.70 cash and the balPmce,�,.A six and twelve months
<br />with no interest and with the understanding that the machine be full 'insured.
<br />Un Motion made by S, E. Glover seconded by Edwin Al Fialseth and carried it was
<br />ordered that the road be graded from road No. 30 to. Casen*s plac® ar�cl also tca grade the road
<br />