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7/23/2015 9:20:49 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 9:43:42 AM
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7 <br />1 <br />1 <br />125 <br />�z� <br />VIII. That Second Party will take all actions deemed to be necessary in carrying <br />out the refunding program herein authorized to the end that the bonds to be issued will be gen- <br />eral obligations of the said District, and contain a pledge of .the full faith and credit of said <br />District for the prompt payment of the principal and interest on said refunding bonds, according <br />to their tenor, and pledge to the refunding bonds the identical tax base which was pledged to <br />the original bonds sought to be refunded. <br />U# (1) That First Party shall defray all expenses incident to: (1) assembling <br />the bonds proposed to be refunded; (2) Printing the refunding bonds, (3) representing Second <br />Party in legal proceedings to validate -said refunding bonds; (4) obtaining the approving opin- <br />ion of nationally recognized bond consel upon the issuance and validation of -the refunding 'bonds, <br />saidcounsel to be selected by First Party, (5) all other expenses in connection herewith which <br />may by approved by First Party. <br />(B) That within one week from the date hereof Second Party she" designate <br />and retain counsel to represent it until the purposes of this contract have been fulfilled, and <br />First Party shall indemnify Second Party for its cost in this connection, the total cost thereof <br />to be in an amount to be agreed upon between the parties hereto. <br />Z, That Second Party will reimburse First Party for expenses incurred and service <br />rendered in connection herewith in the following manner: <br />(A) That said First Party, or its assignee, shall be paid one (1f) per cent. on <br />the,par value of all of the outstanding bonds exchanged for refunding bonds hereunder during the <br />period beginning with the date hereof, and ending three years after date hereof, the above pay- <br />ment being made by said Second Party. Any additional compensation shall be collected by First ' <br />Party from partiipipating bondholders. <br />(B). That as bonds of the original issues are exchanged for refunding bonds, the <br />Secretary of Second Party shall deliver to First Party certificates describing the bonds so ex- <br />changed, and certifying that, subject to the terms hereof, First Party is entitled to be paid <br />a definite sum which shall be recited° in the certificates as one (1%) per cent, of the par <br />of the bonds described therein. <br />(C) That payments on account of the fees herein specified shall be made from <br />any fund in the interest and sinking funds of the said District each sig (6) maths after the <br />interest then due on the refunding bonds has been paid, or at a prior date when, and to the ex- <br />tent that, the funds in hand exceed the amount necessary to pay the next succeeding semi-annual <br />interest maturity on said refunding bands, but the payments on account of said fees shall not <br />exceed one-third of the earned amount before one year from date hereof nor more than two-thirds <br />of the earned amount before two years from date hereof. <br />gI. That for a period of three (3) years from date hereof First Party is granted <br />exclusive authority to act for and on behalf of Second Party in all matters connected with or <br />relating to the exchange of presently outstanding bonds for refunding bonds. <br />M. That at such time as the First Party has the agreement on the part of the <br />holders of 75%. or more, of the bonds described herein and affected hereby to participate in the <br />refunding program.outlined, said First Party may, at any time thereafter, give published notice <br />in one or more financial journals that on and after thirty (30) days from the publication of t <br />notice, further agreements to participate may not be accepted except subject to an exchange <br />charge of not exceeding five (5%) per cent, of the par value of the bonds tendered, plus all <br />accrued Interest on the original bonds, which privilege, if exercised by First Party, will re- <br />lieve Second Party of its obligation to pay First Party one per cent, (1%) on the bonds excl <br />ed pursuant to this optional feature, but not otherwise, it being understood that no charge <br />. a . <br />be imposed upon a security holder until the owners of seventy-five per cent. (75%) of the <br />
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