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7/23/2015 9:20:50 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 9:50:41 AM
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carried, the Clerk was instructed to draw a warrant on- tjie General Revenue Fund, for the sum of <br />$4.50 payable -to, Robert Dedman. <br />Commissioner Helseth, caa.led .attention. -of the Board to the ..:fact that . the door hardware <br />in the Court House was. iron instead of bronze _as. reported .when -.sold. <br />A Petition from property owners of Winter Beach was received With regard to the ditch <br />running along the highway from the F.E.C. Railway to the Indian River- Winter Beach, <br />known as the Winter Beach road. Said petition requested that the ditch be put in condition to <br />carry flood waters speedly thus p:erventing the backing up, flooding.and.holding the water long <br />enough to drain crops. After careful consideration of the petition the Board ordered that they <br />be advised that the County would provide the drag linemachine to do this work for $25.00 per <br />day, the cost to begin when machine leaves the barn and to cease when returned to the barn. <br />Felix Poppell Post #39 extended an invitation to the Board to participate with them <br />in an honor position in the Armistice Day parade and exercise to -be Vero Beach between <br />the hours of 10:00 o'clock A. M. and 1200 noon. The Board did not take any action regarding <br />invitation. <br />Mr. W. H. Garns, Architect.and Wm. Hensick, Contractor, appeared before the Board re- <br />garding the ]e.aks in the Court House and qtr. Grans reported the leaks were caused because of the <br />fault of the motar and Mr. Hensick stated that he would have a representative.of the motar com- <br />pany make an inspection and if it -.was determined that the leaks were caused by the motar that <br />he would see to it that they upheld their guarantee. <br />There being no further business the Board on motion made, seconded and carried, adjc <br />-ted. <br />ATT TT t <br />Clerk. <br />G <br />Chariman. <br />Tuesday November 2, 1:37: <br />The Board of County Commissioners..inand for Indian River County met at the Court- <br />house in Vero Beach,- at 9t30 oiclock.A.. U., Tuesday, November 2, .1937, in -regular meeting with <br />the following members. of the <br />Board present-, R. R. Mudge.,...Chairmani. <br />E. P. Poole; S. E. <br />Glover; <br />Frank C. Vickers and Edwin A. <br />Helseth. Also present .wer.e..Char-les <br />A. <br />Mitchell, Attorney <br />for the <br />Board, Wm. Frick, Sheriff, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />. Harry E. Thompson, Gifford, appeared before the Board with reference to a Liquor <br />License application which had been formerly presented -.and denied because the lac ation was to <br />close to church property. Thereupon the following resolution was introduced. <br />It was moved by Commissioner S. E.'Glover that the Clerk be instructed to write to <br />the State Beverage Department on b ehalf of this. Board-. and s equest that -a field representative <br />in this territory of the State Beverage Board investigate the proposition of granting of U. <br />censes for the retail sale of liquor to places village of Gifford in this <br />County and with particular respect to the location of -licensed or prospective licensed places <br />of business within a proximity to churches or school houses which is prohibited by law and that <br />investigation be made as to whether or notthe present licensed retail. liquor businesses in the <br />village of Gifford be within a_prohibited area and if so in what manner and at what time such <br />licenses may be revoked by the State Beverage Department. <br />adopted. <br />The motion for the adoption of the resolution being duly seconded, it was unanimously <br />C. C. Masey, Wabasso, appeared before the Board regarding the -construction of a road <br />U <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />
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