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11 <br />The County.-Depositoryfiled-ita:.monthly statement, showing receipts -Nand disbursments <br />of the various. Bands .,which havingbeen.. kited. were _ found. .-to. ..corrects <br />The several bills. and accounts against the Country,_ having_ .been-, Were . wxamined <br />and . found eorreet, .were . approved, ...and .;v ars ts, ors3ered : leeued : in." -settlement, -of. -same.- Such . hills <br />and accounts being, on file in -the -,-office of the Clerk - of the- Circuit_ .Court.. The. w srraats- .,issued <br />from the respective .Bands- being listed the supplemental -minute, book.- as required by the Pules <br />and prac.tIce of the State Auditing Department, reference to s aid .record .and _the lis t so record- <br />ed being. -made .a part -of these. -minutes. <br />There being no further business the Board on motion-made_,seconded and carried, ad=..�: <br />journed to meet on Friday, November 5th., 1937 at 2sOO otclock--P. K. <br />Chairman. <br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />Friday, November 5, 1937 <br />The. Board, of-.C.ounty Commissioners .. in. and_ -for .Indian River .County met -at the _ Court- <br />house in Vero Beach, at 2 sOC o'clock P. M., <br />Friday, <br />November 5, 1937, in <br />-regular . <br />ad j.ourned mee <br />ing with the fo.11owing.members_.of.the Board <br />present., <br />R. E. Kudge,.Chairman; E. P. <br />Poole, S. E. <br />Glover, Frank C. Vickers.and Edwin A. Helseth. Charles A. Kitchell, Attorney <br />for the Board, Wm. Frick, Sheriff, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Mr. C. F. Simpson, sales engineer of the Florida -Portland Company appeared before the <br />Board and gave the following report regarding the leaks in the Courthouse Building. Mr. Simpson <br />stated that the cement used in the construction of the building was not manufactured by the <br />Florida. -Portland Cement Company, but by the Magnolia Cement Company, who is one of their com- <br />petitors and that there was nothing wrong with the motar because the mixture had been properly <br />made of one part cement and 3 parts sand. He reported the trouble was in the roof in as much as <br />the flashing is; of slate which is not flashing material and should have been felt, also that th <br />flashing lapse uphill. instead of downhill and from -the everyday movement of the. roof, gravel.ha <br />worked under the lapse, therefore the water was running through the flashing on to the concrete <br />roof deck beneath, then off the edges of the deck into the one inch dead air space between the <br />exterior face brick -and the back-up tile. I-. Simpson also reported that water was standing on <br />the roof when of course this condition should not exiat. He suggested that.a picture be taken <br />of this condition and that in as much as the County had a ten year guaranteefrom the Barrett <br />Roofing Company that he would suggest the Board take immediate action to get the roof fixed and <br />by so doing would stop all of the so called gosip regarding the condition of the Courthouse. <br />Mr. Bud Fischer, who was associated with Mr. Simpson in making the investagation concurred with <br />this report. <br />Mr. Harry E. Herman, P. W. A. Resident Engineer Inspector, stated that he was in gen- <br />eral agreement with the report of Mr. Simpson. <br />Barr. W. H. Hensick, Contractor, also statedthathe was in general ---agreement with -the <br />report submitted by Mr. Simpson.and.stated that he did not approve of the flashing <br />and told the roofers about it at that time -but their reply was that. -the County was .getting. a lO <br />year guaranteed Barrett Roof and would be protected in the event it-was_not satisfactory. <br />fir. W. H. Garms, Architect, approved Bir. C. F. Simpsons report and suggested that a <br />statement be prepared for publication, however, the Board decided it would be better to defer <br />this action until the roofing company proceeded with the work. <br />On motiong made by E. P. Poole, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried the Board <br />extended a vote of thanks to Mr. Simpson and Bir. Fischer for their investagation and report. <br />�I <br />