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I <br />C <br />IJ <br />115' Deputy Sheriff bond, for L. H.. Walker, in and for Indian= River: County, .. Florida, for the <br />sum of $1000.,00 with J. J.. Bustin .and F. W. Heiser sureties was :approved. <br />On motion made,. seconded and carried, the Board approved the InstructionsfromHon. <br />J. M..Lee., Comptroller, in a letter written and dated November 23rd..9.1937;.wjth..regard to -..the <br />withdrawal _ of _funds erroneously distributed by the: Tax Collector, °to :the account, -.of the _Board of <br />County Commissioners.,said funds in the amount. --of- $1587.25 -to be withdrawn: from the, -Special <br />Road and...Bridge Disttict #4 account and remitted to the State Treasur.er_as,County Treasurer ex - <br />officio. <br />It was suggested by Charles :A. Mitchell, Attorney, that .the Board settle the fifteen <br />thousand dollar writ of mandamus suit which had been brought against. Special Road and Bridge <br />District #4, in the following manner, namely, to pay Twelve.Huadred.Do.11ars,cash and give to <br />the Plaintiff Eleven Thousand Dollars in refunding bonds and allocate three mills above this <br />years 15 mill levy. On motion made by E. P. Poole, seconded by 5. E. glover and carried the <br />Board approved this method of settlement. <br />A lumber bill was submitted by Conrad Lumber Mills in the amount of $293.02 which was <br />approved by the Board and ordered paid from the Quay Brtdge District,Fund. Also a Bill for the <br />sum of $253.38 which was approved bnd ordered paid from the Special Road and Bridge District <br />Dr. W. H. Hummiston appeared before the Board and requested the use of four County <br />trucks and drivers for Beautification Day which is December 2, 1937. This request was granted <br />by the Board. <br />On motion made by E. P. Poole, seconded by Edwin A. Helseth and carried, S. E. Glover <br />was appointed as a committee to purchase for the County 6 Cottages from Claude Smith for a sum <br />not to exceed $30.00 each. <br />Mrs. Katherine Carter appeared before the Board and requested temporary assistance <br />for Nelson Grant until Old Age assistance is granted. No -action was taken by the -Board. <br />There being no further business the Board on motion made, seconded and carried adjoin <br />ned to meet on Saturday, November 27th., at 1:30 P. M. <br />ATTES : Chairman. <br />Clerk. <br />- - - - - - - - - - r - - - r - - w - - - w - r i► <br />Saturda. November 27th. 1937 <br />&.30 P_,_ M. <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County met at the Courthou.%J <br />in Vero Beach, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., Saturday, November 27th, 1937, in regular adjourned meet- <br />ing with the following members of the Board present, R. E. Mudge, Chairman; Edwin A. Helseth, <br />E. P. Poole, absent Frank C. Vickers and S. E. Glover. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, <br />Attorney for the Board, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. 4 <br />Application for license .to sell. intoxicating liquors, . wiles --and beer was- filed by the <br />Royal Park Inn, signed by Richard F. Treadway and John C. Wriston, which was carefully examined <br />and approved. <br />There being no further business the Board on .mo.ti.on.made,. seconded. amend a ied <br />adjour-ned: - <br />ATTE : Chairman. <br />c / _ <br />Clerk. <br />Saturday, December 4, 1937 2;00 P. M. <br />The Board of County. Commissioners in and for Indian River County met at the Courthous; <br />in Vero Beach, at 2;00 o'clock P. M. , Saturday, December 4th, 1937, in special called meeting <br />