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Last modified
7/23/2015 9:20:50 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 9:55:53 AM
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1 <br />1 <br />Bunkley, County Nurse, and ordered -that -her r-ecommendation:wbe..approved . <br />Mr` F. C. Poppell,, Ft... Pierce., and Mr.... V. H. _Talker,, Winter. Beach.,., appeared -before the <br />Board in behalf of Mr. J. W. ZcCul,lera...who ia. now .,,serving. . a. five...month._ sentence -in the County <br />Jail and requested the Boards -consideration with regard to clemency_of.his case. This request <br />was denied by the Board. <br />It was ordered that_a warrant be drawn on the -Special <br />the amount of 41200.00 payable to Alto Adams, Attorney, inthe case of Ball -Vs.- County for the <br />retirement of forty Special Road and Bridge District #4 Interest.Coupons. <br />Mrs. W. F. Cox, President of the Welfare Board appeared before the Board and made a <br />verbal report regarding the organization and progress of the new welfare Board and made such. <br />recommendations and suggestions as she thought might be necessary in accomplishing the desired <br />results. She also stated that the Welfare Board would appreciate suggestions and recommendations <br />from the Board of County Commissioners at all times. <br />Mr. S. E. Glover reported that all of the cabins that were for sale by Mr. Claude <br />Smith have -been sold. <br />Deputy Sheriff Bond of C. G. Wilhoit in and for Indian River County, for the sum of <br />$1000.00 with J. Hubert Graves and W. G. Jones as sureties was approved. <br />Deputy Sheriff Bond of Charlie Savage in and For Indian River County, for the sum of <br />$1000.00 with J. Hubert Graves and W. G. Jones as sureties was approved. <br />Deputy Sheriff Bond of J. Hubert Graves in and for Indian River County, for the sum <br />of $1000.00 with F. B. Woods and C. G. Wilhoit as sureties was approved. <br />It was ordered that W. H. Fretwell be removed from the Pauper List as he is now re- <br />ceiving old age assistance. <br />It was,ordered that Guy Gramm be removed from the Paupers List as he is deceased. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley, County Nurse, appeared before the Board and made certain re- <br />commendations with regard=to various cases and filed the following report of her activities <br />for the month of November, to -wit: <br />During the.month <br />of November <br />there were <br />88 <br />cases under care. <br />145 visits <br />were made to these <br />cases. l6 <br />of <br />the cases have syphilis and are under treatment. 3 <br />cases were hospitalized. 11 cases were referred to doctors. <br />Out of 26 white children tested for animal parasites 14 of the number were positive hookworm. <br />-These are undertreatment. <br />There were 117 conferences with doctors, teachers,social workers, ministers, county cotmissioneri <br />-and interested individuals in regard to the work. <br />From the Thanksgiving party at the Theater, admission fee being a can of fruit or vegetables. <br />there were 10 Thanksgiving boxes. The Girl Scouts distributed these. The worker had the super- <br />vision of this piece of work. <br />On motion made by Edwin A. Helseth, seconded by E. -P. Poole and carried the Board <br />_agreed to furnish Medicine (Nlasduarson) for patients who will pay the Doctor for treatment. <br />Mr. W. R. Duncan, Tax Assessor, appeared before the Board and presented a partial <br />statement in the amount of $1000.00 of commissions due him as Tax Assessor of Indian River <br />County for the years 1932, 19339 19349 1935 and 1936 according to the E. & I. List submitted.. <br />by Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector, on October 5th., of this year. Cdr. Duncan also requested._ that <br />the balance due him be paid at a later date when the auditor had made his final report on.,..the. <br />E. & I List submitted by Troy E. Moody, for the years as shown above. This request was granted <br />and the statement in the amount of $1000.00 was ordered paid from the General Revenue -Fuad, <br />Mr. E. C. Richards made application for Duplicate tax sale certificate #478 which <br />issued September 2nd., 1935. This request was granted by the Board. <br />
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