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(G) Provide that any surplus which may be available---in-the interest and .sinking fund <br />account of the issuing units each.- six months. _after, .payment . of;,.intaerest. end -,._principal then due <br />(after making due allowance for. -.interest- and, principal-.matur.-ities_ the_next._ semi-annual <br />interest payment period and making reasonable allowance for -anticipated receipts) shall be used <br />by the governing authority .of Second Party (hereinafter referred . to.. as "Governing_ authority") <br />for the purpose of purchasing Refunding Bonds, said purchases to be:made in the following, <br />manner; <br />(a) Within. -sixty (60) days after the surplus --_is. ascertainable, the._governing <br />authority shall designate a date, which shall be not less than thirty (30)..nor more than forty- <br />five (45) days from the time such date is. designated, at -which time thegoverning authority <br />will receive and consider in open session sealed offerings of Refunding.. Bonds herein authorized; <br />(b) The governing authority shall give written notice of this date to any bond- <br />holders so requesting in writing; <br />(c) Notice of the time .and place of receiving said offerings..shall be published <br />once, not less than fifteen (15) days before the designated time, in at least two publications, <br />one of which shall be a newspaper having general circulation in Indian River County, Florida, <br />and the other shall be a financial journal published in the City of New York, New York; <br />(d) All available funds, as hereinabove determined, shall be used to purchase <br />bonds offered at the lowest prices; <br />(e) If the governing authority shall be dissatisfied with any or all offers <br />received upon first advertisement, then it shall have the option to reject any or all such <br />offers, and, within thirty-one days after such r ejection, it shall readvertise for additional <br />sealed offerings, whereupon the governing authority shall purchase the bonds offered at the <br />lowest prices upon such readvertisement, absorbing all surplus funds available; <br />(f) After each advertised purchase, the governing authority may privately pur- <br />chase additional bonds --with subsequent surplus accumulations as .long as private purchases may <br />be made on such basis as toassurea higher income yield than the highest yield calculated on <br />bonds purchased pursuant to advertisement; <br />(g) If no offerings can be obtained at or below the callable price, the govern- <br />ing authority shall proceed to call bonds to absorb the available surplus, said call to be <br />effective at the next interest payment period after effort has been made to purchase bonds. <br />(h) At the option of the governing authority, purchases may be made to absorb <br />surplus accumulations more often than required by the schedule set forth above. <br />Section 8. (A) That First Party shall defray all expenses incident to: (a) assembling <br />and exchanging the bonds herein proposed to be refunded; (b) printing the said Refunding Bonds; <br />(c) the representation of -Second Party in legal proceedings to validate said Refunding Bonds; <br />(d) obtaining the approving opinion of nationally recognized bond counsel upon the procedure <br />used for the issuance and validation of said Refunding Bonds, said counsel to be selected by <br />First Party; (e) all other expenses in connection herewith which may be approved by First Party. <br />(b) That, within one week from the date hereof, Second Party shall designate and re- <br />tain counsel to represent it in all matters connected herewith until the purposes of this con- <br />tract have been fulfilled, and First Party shall indemnify Secon&Tarty for its cost in this <br />connection, the total cost thereof to be in an amount to be agreed upon between the First Party <br />and the attorney selected by Second Party. <br />Section 9. That First Party shall be reimbursed and compensated for expenses incurred <br />and services rendered, respectively, in connection herewith in the following manner: <br />By assessing charges againat security holders who accept Refunding Bonds under the <br />terms hereof, the amount of said charges being a matter wholly between First Party and security <br />holders who accept said Refunding Bonds, and by Second Party paying to First Party, or its <br />I <br />1 <br />L <br />1 <br />