<br />I
<br />I�
<br />At the request of Mr C. M. Williams, .principal of Vero beach nigh Schools and
<br />lir. S. P. ,Starbird..L •structor in -the liepartmeit of iiocational Agriculture, the..board re-
<br />quested Vim. W. r'rick, , Sheriff, to furnish as much labor as- possible from the jail, • for the
<br />clearing and ditching of approximately. 13 acres of land lying east of the jail and south
<br />of the High School, to be used as a laboratory and demonstration plot by the Department
<br />of Vocational Agriculture of the Vero Beach z4gh school. It was also ordered the county
<br />furnish labor and machinery- for the grading of the land.
<br />,.Vhe board rejected the proposal from Mr A. P. Spencer of Agricultural, .extension
<br />Service, uainesville, .rla, with regard to a County agent for Indian "iver uouaty,
<br />rhe board received a letter from mr M. L. Lyle, hinter Beach, with re8ard to aceount
<br />due him from several County employees and requested assistance in the collection of Sam.
<br />mr Frank A. Knight, hoad Sup, t was instructed to oonfcr id th. the employees who were indebted
<br />to Mr Lyle and ask them to take care of their obligations as soonas possible.
<br />.it the request of ueorge James the Board approved a plat of " VILLA MA CELLA" signed
<br />by Marcella Seymour and, b. A. Seymour and order same filed in the Clerk, s office,
<br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley, uounty Nurse, appeared, bef ore the board and made. a report
<br />of her activities for the Month of duly as follows to -wit:
<br />Total number of cases for the month were 170
<br />notal number of visits to these cases were 143
<br />m umbe r of hol me s visited 48
<br />number of visits in behalf of these cases were 30.
<br />Veneral Disease Clinics 4
<br />'treat meats Given 26
<br />Midwife conferences 1
<br />Attendance 3
<br />office Interviews 13
<br />Investigation for Mothers I Pension 1
<br />hookworm specimen to Laboratory 17 •
<br />.Number of r.b.Cases to state sanatorium 1
<br />Tonsils removed in Doctor's office 6
<br />cripple Children to Jackson Memorial hospital and
<br />uoral , Gables Olinic for Xrey 4
<br />Tor Xray to Dr. herpel, West Palm beach 5
<br />R s u.6 U'T 1 0A
<br />Commissioner S. E. Glover introduced the following resolution and moved its
<br />adoption
<br />MEAS, The State Board of Administration has submitted certain proposals at
<br />individuals, firms and corporations offering to sell to s acid Board of Adminiatration cer-
<br />tain bonds of Indian River County, and obligations; assumed by said County, under the pro-.
<br />visions of house Bill No. 30, acts of the 1933 Legislature; and
<br />M. , after carefully considering all of such proposals amd taking into con-
<br />sideration the amount of funds available for that purpas e, and the approximate value of
<br />said bonds and obligations, it is deemed advisable and expedient to purchase and cancel
<br />offering *B* and hold uncancelled offering 12CIft certain of said bonds and obligations, to -
<br />vitt
<br />�U One (1) St. Lucie County, Quay Bridge District, 6% Bridge Bond #19, dated De-
<br />cember I, 1922, due December 1, 19379 net a price of 96 Flat with no .coupons attached, as
<br />designLted offering, "Be.
<br />Three (3) St. Lucie County Road and Bridge Time Warrant at 6%, #39/41 dated July
<br />I, 1922., due July I, 19399 at a price of 87 Flat with a'anta ry l., 1934 and subsequent cou-
<br />pons
<br />pons- attached, as designated offering
<br />1
<br />THMEF .B, BE IT RESQDVBD, by the Board of County Commissioners that the State
<br />Board of Administration be requested to purckase and cancel offering "B'O amid hold uncan-
<br />celled offering ICO the securitk s listed above a=t the price quoted.
<br />The resolution was duly seconded by Commissioner Michael and upon being put to a
<br />vote the same was unanimous) adopted.
<br />