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1 <br />1 0 . <br />Cq,6.IX <br />i� <br />Mr. George James,representing the American Legion, appeared before the Board and re- <br />quested its cooperation in a Safety Campaign, namely,prohibiting Reckless Driving on roads and <br />streets of this County and also requested that a warning notice be published referring to <br />Reckless Driving and particularly children under fourteen (14) years of age. The Board assured <br />Mr. James of their this matter, and ordered the following warning notice <br />published: <br />Pursuant to authority of Board of County Commissioners, Notice is hereby given that <br />the State Laws relative to reckless operation of motor vehicles will be strictly enforced in <br />Indian River County. These laws include the prohibiting of children under 14 years of age <br />operating motor vehibles; speeding; parking on highways; passing School buses -when same are <br />stopped, etc. <br />Schools start next week and particular care must be observed for the Safety of our - <br />Children. <br />William Frick, Sheriff. <br />Notary Public Bond in the sum of $500.00 for Anne Eckhoff with American Surety Com- <br />pany of New York as surety was approved. <br />Notary Public Bond in the sum of $500.00 for J. A. Harms with Massachusetts Bonding <br />and Insurance Company of Boston as surety was approved. <br />Notary Public Bond in the sum of $500.00 for Pearl, McEacheft with American Surety <br />Company of Now York as surety was approved. <br />Surety Bond in the sum of _-$1000.00:. for _Harry . Le.e ..Baker _ as a member of the Board of-' <br />Commissioners of Indian -River Farms_Fire.Control District with Standard Accident Insurance <br />Company, Detroit, Michigan, as surety was approved. <br />Verdict of Coroners Jury in the matter of the inquest on the bony of Sarah Lee Rentz <br />was filed. <br />Tax Sale Certificate of July 2nd., 1928 having been declared void and according to <br />law the County is required to refund the sum of $72.05 to.the_holder of said certificate there- <br />fbr,on,motioll duly made by S.E. Glover, seconded by C. S. Michael and carried, Douglas Bhker, <br />Clerk, was instructed to issue a Warrant drawn on the General Revenue Fund in the sum of $72.05 <br />and payable to Sebastian Mercantile Company, as holder of said certificate. <br />Mrs. Mary W. Cecil, Unit Supervisor,of State Wellfare Board District No. 10, appeared <br />before the Board and explained a new form of assistance known as"Aid to Dependent Children!. <br />RESOLUTI 0 N <br />Commissioner Glover,introduoed the toll®wing resolution and moved its adoption,to-with <br />Whereas,'The Board of -Public Instruction for the County of Indian River, State of <br />Florida has heretofore certified to this Board, namely, the Board of County Commissioners of <br />Indian River County, a levy of 10 mills on the dollar on all the taxable proper : located with- <br />in Special Tax School District No. 14 of Indian River County, Florida for the tax yit 1938 for <br />the purpope of retiring bonds and paying interest of said District, and this Board, purs-ant, <br />thereto, did, on August 2, 1938, levy a tax of 10 mills for the purpose aforesaid in said Spec- <br />ial Tax School District No. 14; and <br />Whereas_, The Board of Public Instruction (foj*..'t$e County of Indian River, State of <br />Florida, pursuant to a Peremptory Writ of Mandamus issued by Judge M. B. Smith of the Circuit <br />Court in and for Indian River'County, Florida under date of August 18, 1938 and directed to said <br />Board of Public Instruction,,has certified to this Board an additional levy of 5 mills on the <br />dollar on all taxable property within said Special Tax School Distriet No. 14 for the year 1938 <br />and has provided that said additional levy, together with said original levy of 10 mills shall <br />be applied,to the specific purpose of retiring the bonds and paying interest on said bonds as <br />