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I. - <br />M <br />ESSOLUTION <br />277 <br />Commissioner Glover introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, to-wi <br />I Whereas, by reason of matters beyond the control of the County Assessor of taxes of <br />the Board of County Commissioners, additional time is necessary for the presentation of the <br />County tax assessment roll for the year 1938 and the approval of the same by the Board of Cou <br />,Commissioners; therefore, <br />Be It Resolved that the time for presentation of the tax assessment roll of Indian <br />River County for the year 1938 to the Board of County Commissioners of said County by the Count <br />Tax Assessor of taxes,be, and it is, extended until.0etober.12, 1938, at which time the same <br />shall be presented to said Board for consideration dnd final approval. <br />The motion for the adoption of the resolution being duly seconded by Commissioner <br />Michael, it was declared adopted by the following vote; <br />Ayes: Glover, Helseth and Michael. <br />Nayes: None. <br />Honorable Troy E. Moody, Tax Collector appeared before the Board.and submitted his <br />list of errors, insolvencies and double assessments of the County Tdx Assessment Roll for the <br />year 1937, and on motion made by Albert 0. Helseth, seconded,by C. S. Michael and carried the <br />Board accepted and approved the aforesaid list. <br />It was ordered a telephone be placed in the office of Miss Leila M. Bunkley, County <br />Nurse <br />Mr. J. L. Knight ePpeared before the Board and requested Mr. Ed McLaughlin be recom- <br />mended for the appointment of Cattle Inspector for Indian River County in the Vest of <br />the St. John's Marsh. This request was granted on condition that the recommendation of Mr. <br />McLaughlin be withheld until such time as Commissioner Michael could 06tfer with Mr. Gilbert <br />Barkoskie of the Fellsmere District and determine who the second Cattle Inspector might be as <br />the County is entitled to two inspectors. <br />A road petition was presented to the Board requesting a road or roads be constructed <br />to or into Sprnoe Park and Robinson Bark near Gifford, Florida. The petition was ordered filed <br />and Frank A. Knight, Road Superintendent was instructed to make an investigation and report bac <br />to the Board his findings. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley, County Nurse appeared before the Board and presented Nurse's <br />Report for the month of September 1938, as follows, to -wit: <br />Nurse's Monthly Report for September 1938 <br />Total <br />number of cases for the month were <br />visits <br />Number of homes visited were <br />Number of visits in behalf of these cases were <br />Number of V. D. Clinics <br />Treatments <br />Office Interviews <br />Cases of Relief other than nursing care <br />Number cases hospitalized - <br />Local Hospital <br />Jackson Memorial <br />Florida Cripple Children's Clinic <br />Number of cases to Dentist <br />" P " " Doctors <br />Applications made to Florida Farm Colony <br />Schools visited <br />170 <br />149 <br />61 <br />46 <br />4 <br />70 <br />78 <br />10 <br />3 <br />1 <br />1 <br />5 <br />19 <br />2 <br />3 <br />It was ordered Colleen Mathis and B. J. Mathis, children of the late Dr. C. E. Mathis <br />receive the sum of $00.00 per month from the General Revenue Fund, and that the warrants be made <br />payable to the order of Miss Bertha A. Haffield who will assume the responsibility of said fund: <br />for the children, until the further orders of the Board. <br />It was ordered Mrs. J. R. Conniff receive the sum of $15.00 per month in lieu of the <br />sum of $10.00 which she has been receiving, effective September 1st., 1938, until the further <br />orders of the Board. <br />Coroner's Reports in the matter of the death of Willie Clayton and Mattie Mae Midget <br />were submitted to the Board and ordered filed by the Clerk. <br />At the request of Mr. Charles Harris and on motion made by C. S. Michael, seconded by <br />S. E. Glover and carried it was ordered a road be constructed.for Mr. Harris with the proviso <br />that he pay all expenses other than the customary rental of the Dragline and that said expenses <br />be paid promptly each week while the road is being conet.ructed until such time as it might be <br />completed. <br />