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<br />TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12nd.. 1938.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at -the Court House in
<br />Fero Beach, at 10:00 d*clock A. M. Tuesday, November 22nd., 1938, in adjourned meeting with the
<br />following members of the Board present',- E. P. Poole, Chtirmah; Albert 0. Helseth; C. S. Michael
<br />-and Frank C. Vickers. Absent was S. E. Clover.. Also present were William W. Frick, Sheriff;
<br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />It was announced by the Chairman that this meeting was called for the purpose of,ado
<br />ing Resolutions transferring Funds from the Kanner Bill Accounts to the Interest and Sinking
<br />Fund Accounts to meet interest requirements on Indian River County Special.Road and Bridge Dis-
<br />trict No. 4 and Wabasso Bridge District Refunding Bonds, due January 1, 1939 and such other
<br />business as might be properly brought before this Board.
<br />RES Q'LII' `,0:N
<br />Commissioner Albert 0. Helseth introduced the following resolution and moved its
<br />adoption, to -wit:
<br />WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore caused to be issued Refunding Bonds dated January
<br />1, 1937) for the purpose of refunding the outstanding road and bridge bonded indebtedness of
<br />Special Road and Bridge District No. 4 in Indian River County, Florida; and
<br />WHEREAS, semi-annual interest coupon will be due January 1, 1939, on said refunding
<br />bond issues; and
<br />WHEREAS, it is the desire of this'Board to make funds available for the payment of
<br />said interest coupons on all of said Refunding; -Bonds; NOW, THEREFORE,
<br />Section I. That the State Board of Administration, Tallahassee, Florida, be, and it
<br />is hereby, requested, directed, and instructed to cause funds to be transferred from the Danner
<br />Bill Account of said Special Road and Bridge District No. 4 bond issue, to the interest and
<br />sinking fund account of said district Refunding Bonds dated January 1, 19379 in sufficient
<br />amount, which, with other funds now in the interest and sinking fund account, or subject to use
<br />for interest and sinking fund purposes, will provide funds sufficient to pay interest due Janu-
<br />ary 1, 1939, on said Refunding Bonds, and after said transfer has been made, to remit to the de
<br />igna.ted Paying Agent the amount required to pay said interest coupon due January 1, 1939, with
<br />instructions to the .Paying Agent to pay.said.coupons.aa they..are..pres.ented.
<br />Section II. That the transfer hereinabove directed to be made shall not be considered
<br />as an unqualified transfer from the manner Bill Account to the interest and sinking fund account,
<br />but as a transfer for the specific and exclusive purpose of making the payment hereinabove dir-
<br />looted to be made.
<br />Section III. That the Clerk of this Board -be, and he is hereby, instructed and direct
<br />ed to forward certified copy of ..this rssol.cation.:to..._the _.State..4Board of_:Administration, Tallahassee
<br />Florida, which certified copy shall constitute the authority of said Board to do and perform the
<br />facts hereinabove directed.
<br />Motion for the adoption of the resolution being duly seconded, by Commissioner Michael
<br />it was declared adopted by the following vote:
<br />Ayes: Poole, Helseth, Michael, Vickers.
<br />Nayes: None.
<br />Commissioner Albert 0.- Helseth introduced the following resolution and moved its
<br />adoption, to -wit:
<br />WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore caused to be Assued Refunding Bonds dated January
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