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11 <br />289, <br />�mpved from the Mother's Pension Fund as they are now receiving State Aid to Dependent Children. <br />it was ordered Mrs. Daisy Barker, Wabasso, Florida, be removed..from the paupers list. <br />It was ordered Della Williams, Fellsmere, be placed on the paupers list to rpeeive the <br />sum of $6.00 per month until the further orders of the Board. <br />Mother's Pension application for Olive Watson, Winter Beach, was approved for the sum <br />Of $15.00 peT month until the further orders of the Board. <br />Mother's Pension application for Nellie Welling, Sebastian, Florida, was approved for <br />.the sum of $20.00 per month until the further orders of the Board. <br />It was ordered Mrs. Mary McRaven receive the -sum of $15,00 per month in lieu of $10.00 <br />until the further orders of the.Board. <br />It was ordered a Warrant be issued on the General Revenue Fund to Perry Padgett for <br />the,sum of $10.00 to be used as transportation cost to Jacksonville for ray treatment for <br />cancer, also that a Warrant be issued to Miss Leila M. Bunkley for the sum of $5.00 to be used <br />as transportation cost for Dan Clark to Monticello, Florida. <br />Coroner's reports in the matter of the death of Grant Nelson and Charles Nein were <br />received and ordered filed in the Clerk's Office.. <br />Constable C. S. Rice, appeared,before the Boal#d and requested that the reward of $75. <br />which was offered by.the County, be paid to the parties -who gave C. S. Rice, N. B. Ryalls, L. B. <br />O'Steen and Hubert Graves the information which led to the capture and arrest of one Doc <br />Harris, Colored, who shot Commissioner C. S. Michael.. Itwasthen moved by.S. E. Glover second- <br />ed by Albert 0. Helseth and unanimously carried that a Warrant be,drawn on the Find pnd ForfeitQ <br />urea .Fund for . the sum of $75.00 payable to Wm. W. Frick, Sheriff, for -the purpose of rewarding <br />those who gave the information °to -the above named parties. Sam Villiams, James McNair <br />and W. 0._ Coley.) <br />Surety Bond for A. M. -.Hill, a member of Board of Commissioners of Indian River <br />Farms Fire Control District in the sum of $1,000.00 with A. M. Hill and A. W. Young as sureties <br />was approved. <br />Surety Bond for L. G. Darnell as member of Board of Commissioners ofIndianRiver <br />Fire°Control District in the sum of $1,000.00 with A. W. Rohrbach and G. L. Harrell as sureties <br />was approved. <br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, was requested to prepare Notices and Bids as to Wiring <br />the Winter Beach Bridge and Bridge Tenders _House. -according to specifications prepardd by Commis- <br />sioner C.S. Michael. <br />Mr. Harry W..Damerow, City.Fngineer appeared before the Board with plans and -specifi- <br />cations as to the proposed colored -Rest Rooms and stated to the Board that said plane and speci-11- <br />fications were the same as those used for the construction of the Rest Rooms at the Ocean Beach <br />to $1,000.000 <br />Park. He further stated the.approximate cost of 'construction would be $8.00,CQ/ Mr. Damerow <br />very generously offered his services as City Engineer and also stated that the City crew could <br />be used for the work thereby holding the cost of construction to a minimun. It was agreed and <br />understood that one half of the total cost would be paid by the County the other half to be paid <br />by the City. It is yet to be determined as to the site or location of the proposed Rest Rooms. <br />Mr. Charles S. Kuster.appeared before the Board with a proposal to purchase approxi - <br />Si of SW* of SES - 2-33-39 - less 4009 to City <br />mately thirteen (13) acres of land/ owned by the County and located near the Jail. Mr. Kuster <br />further stated that his object in wanting to buy the property was for the purpose of building <br />homes which would be financed by the Federal Housing Act. Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney was <br />instructed to investigate the Board's right to sell or convey said property and report back to <br />the Board his findings. <br />Surety Bond for W. C. Graves, Jr. as member of Board of County Commissioners District <br />No. 4 in the sum of $2,000.00 with -the Fidelity and Casulty Company of New York as surety was <br />approved. <br />