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31� <br />The County repository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disbursments of <br />the various funds which.havinig. been audited were found to be wrreet. <br />The several bills against the County having be en audited , were examined and found eorrec <br />were approved and grants ordered issued in settlement of sama, such bills and accounts beim <br />on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The w rrants issued from the respect- <br />ive funds being listed in the supplemental minute book as required by the rules and practice <br />of the State Auditing Department, reference to said record and the list so recorded beim ihade <br />q part of these minutes. <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then adj- <br />©urned• <br />AT TEST : <br />----------------------------------- M ----------- M ------------------------- <br />Tuesday <br />---------r---------rte.--- <br />Tuesday Bray 2, 1939. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in <br />Vero Beach at 10:00 o*clock A. Mo Tuesday, May 20 19390 in regular meeting with the following <br />members of the Board present: C. S, Michael, Chairman; Albert 0. Helseth; S. E. Glover; WO C. <br />Graves, Jr; and Frank C. Vickers. Also present were Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney for the <br />Board, William W. Frick, Sheriff, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />Mrs. Heath and Mr. Varder appeared before the Board and requested that certain steps <br />be taken in order that drainage may be provided for their property on which they reside which <br />is on the north side of Cross -State Road #30 and approximately seven miles west of Vero Beach. <br />These parties were assured that consideration would be given their request. <br />]yrs. A. Romani appeared before the Board and requested that the road to their home <br />and east -of Emerson Avenue bd graded. This request was granted and Frank A. Knight, Road <br />Superintendent, was instructed to proceed with the work. <br />The minutes of March 7 were read and approved. <br />It was reported that in order that the mail route be continued it would be necessary <br />to construct a bridge for J. E. Mills and after consideration it was ordered that said bridge <br />be constructed. <br />Notary public bond in the sum of $500 for John W. E, Wheeler with the American Surety <br />Company of New York as surety was approved. <br />Charles S. Kuster and Rick Insurance Agency submitted bids for public liability and <br />property damage insurance on county trucks, also insurance covering deputy sheriffs. With <br />regard to the latter, the Board requested Sheriff Frick to furnish accident insurance for his <br />regular deputies and suggested that he pay one-half of the cost of the premium and the Board <br />would pay the other half. <br />It was moved by W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by S.E. Glover and unanimously carried <br />that C. S. Michael, Charles A. Mitchell and William W. Frick be appointed a committee to work <br />out workmen's compensation insurance with a maximum of four deputies at $1800 each. <br />It was moved by W. C. Graves, Jr., seconded by S. E. Glover and unanimously carried <br />that application of Walter Roddenberry for,admission to State Tuberculosis Sanitorium with fam- <br />ily paying county's share of approved. <br />It was moved by S. E. Glover, seconded by Frank C`. Vickers and carried that hospital <br />bill of Warren Donaldson be approved up to the limit of $50. <br />It was ordered Mrs. S. K• Kersey be placed on the paupers list to receive the sum of <br />$6.00 each month until further orders of the Board. <br />1 <br />1 <br />