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7/23/2015 9:19:50 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 10:25:24 AM
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G. L. Harrell, Representative from Indian River County, and`�Senator A. 0. Kanner in order that <br />the right of way requirements of State Road #30 might be reduced from 130 feet to 100 feet. <br />It was ordered George A. James be paid the sum of $25 for his services in connection <br />with this trip. <br />It was ordered that the expenses of this committee in making the trip to Tallahassee <br />be paid from the -General 'Revenue Fund of County. <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board then <br />adjourned. <br />n <br />A <br />CLERK C <br />-----��..-----------------------.1�---------------�-� ��.�-------------- -------5�-+1T-�----TTS- <br />Monday May 22, 1939. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in <br />Vero Beach at 7:30 o'clock "May 229 1939 in called meeting with the following members of the <br />Board present: C. S. Michael, Chairman; W. C. Graves, Jr.; Frank C. Vickers; Albert 0. Helseth; <br />and S. E. Glover. Also present were William W. Frick, Sheriff, Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney <br />for the Board and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />It was announced by the Chairman that this meeting was called for the purpose of con- <br />sidering what financial assistance, if any, might be given the Board of Public Instruction of <br />Indian River County and any other business that properly brought before the Board. <br />Captain Morris A. Bryan, Supervisor of Veterans Graves Registration project, Area #3, <br />of WPA and Captain Co M. Stanton, Chief Interviewer of -this work of Indian River County, ap- <br />peared before the Board.and requested office space in the Court House for Captain Stanton in <br />order that this work might be carried on. Captai-n `Bryan stated that the project was co-spons <br />ed by the American Legion and National Guard and that the work consisted of the registration, <br />platting and military history of every veteran of all wars. This request was granted and Car <br />Stanton was provided with office space opposite the office of Superintendent Harris. <br />Notary public bond for falter A. Siewert in the sum of $500 with the American Surety <br />Company as surety was approved. <br />Notary public bond for G. H. Murdoch in.the sum of $500 with the Continental Casualty <br />Company as surety was approved. <br />Hon.Osoar DuBose, Chairman of the Board of Public Instruction, appeared before the <br />Board and requested financial assistance in the sum of $3000 in order to assist the'Sehool <br />Board in paying teachers' salaries. <br />After considerable discussion on motion made by Albert 0. Helseth, seconded by Frank <br />C. Vickers and unanimously carried, it was ordered that the Board of Public Instruction be paid <br />the sum of $20009 said sum representing racetrack funds received by this Board which had not bee <br />budgeted, and Douglas Baker, Cls rk, was instructed to issue a warrant in the sum of"'$2000 on the <br />General Revenue.Fand payable to the Board of Public Instruction for the purpose of assisting <br />the School Board in meeting the payment of salaries to teachers. <br />Douglas Baker reported to the Board that he had received the sum of $29363.76 in ra <br />track funds which had not already been budgeted and it was ordered that these funds be placed <br />in the General Revenue Fund of the county. <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board ad- <br />. «W« <br />/ ll• <br />W1 \ <br />r <br />■ g <br />21 <br />
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