<br />gy1 TUESDAY JUNE 6th.92 1939,
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court house in
<br />Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'cloek A. M., Tuesday, Fane 6th., 1939 in regular meeting with the follow -
<br />Ing members of the Board present; C. S. Michael, Chairman; Albert 0. Helseth; S. E, Glover; W. C
<br />%raves Jr. and Frank -C. Vickers. Also present were Wk, W. Frick, Sheriff; Marshall Mitchell, act
<br />ing Attorney; Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of April 4th., May 2nd., 12th., and 22nd. were read and approved.
<br />On motion made by S. E. Glover seconded by W. C. Graves Jr. and unanimously carried, i
<br />was ordered the bill for cleaning road ditch adjoining Walker property as -submitted by Mr, Eli C
<br />Walker be paid.
<br />- Commissinner S. E. Glover introduced the following Resoltion and,::moved its adoption.
<br />WHEREAS, this Board has heretofore caused to be issued Refunding Bonds.dated January
<br />1, 1938, for the purpose of refunding the outstanding bridge bonded indebtedness of Wabasso Bri
<br />District in Indian River County, Florida; and
<br />WHEREAS, amati-annual interest coupons will be due July 19 1939, on said refunding bon
<br />issues; and
<br />it is the desire of this Board to make funds available for the payment of
<br />°'interest coupons on all of said Refunding Bonds;
<br />Section I. That the State Board of Administration, Tallahassee, Florida, be, and it is
<br />hereby, requested, directed,...and..1nstructed to. -cause funds to be transferred from the Kanner e
<br />Bill Account of said Wabasso Bridge District bond issue, to the interest and sinking fund "...
<br />count of said district Refunding Bonds dated January 1, 1938, in sufficient amount, which,' with
<br />other funds now in the interest and sinking fund account, or subject to use for interest and
<br />sinking fund purposes, will provide funds sufficient to - pay interest due, July 1, 1939, on said
<br />Refunding Bonds, and after said transfer has been made, to remit to the designated Paving Agent
<br />the amount required to pay said interest coupons due July 1, 19399 with instructions to the Pay-
<br />ing Agent'to pay'said coupons as they are presented;
<br />Section 114 That the transfer hereinabove directed to be.made shall not be considered
<br />as an unga ified transfer.from the Kanner Bill Account to the interest and sinking fund ,account
<br />but as a transfer for the specific and exclusive purpose of making the payment hereinabove dir-
<br />ected to be made.
<br />Section FII That the Clerk of this Board be, and he is hereby, instructed and direct-
<br />ed to forward certified copy of this resolution to the State Board of Admini-tration, Talla-
<br />hassee, Florida, which certified cdpy shall constitute the authority of said Board to-do and
<br />perform the acts hereinabove directed.
<br />The undersigned, Clerk of the Circuit Court and ex officio Clerk of the Board of
<br />County Commissioners of the'State and County aforesaid, does hereby certify that_the above and
<br />foregoing is a true and.correot copy of e'°resolution duly adopted by the Board of County Comm-
<br />issioners of said Indian River County, Florida, at a meeting held on'the 6th; day of June, 11939.
<br />WITNESS my -hand and the official seal Of said Board, this 6th. day of June, 1939.
<br />(Ct. Ct. Seal)
<br />The Resolution was
<br />same was unanimously adopted.
<br />erk° o e Mrouit Coaft and e9s offio
<br />cio Clerk of the Board of County Comm-
<br />issioners of Indian River County', Ylor
<br />ida.
<br />duly seconded by Commissioner Graves and upon.put to a vote, the
<br />Commissioner Frank C. Vickers introduced following Resolution and moved its adoption.
<br />SAS the Board of 'Engineers for Rivers and Harbors has been requested to pass upon
<br />the merits of a proposed waterway connecting the St. Ahns River and the Indian River between
<br />Sanford and Titusville, Florida, and
<br />WBEREAS this pro=posed project is claimed by its sponsors to be for the purpose of en".�_I_
<br />abling pleasure craft to enjoy a wider variation in route and to traverse additional water-
<br />ways through interesting parts of the state, but actually involves primarily the drainage!of
<br />certein extensive areas of land.for the purpose of_,providing new grazing.,territory for the
<br />catty industry, and i_
<br />WHEREAS regardless of the ]purpose in the mind of the project's sponsor., the actual
<br />effect will be -to (1) draw off a large part of the standing waters in the area adjacent to the
<br />St® Uohns River and in those marsh. lands which form.the.headwaters of this river, and (2),carry
<br />into the Indian River a large gtiahU", of water which under certain conditions will cause'a
<br />