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7/23/2015 9:19:50 AM
Creation date
6/9/2015 10:29:34 AM
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326 <br />The Tax Assessor having presented his books showing -the assessed valuation pf property <br />for examination by the Board in compliance with the requirements of Section 934 of the compiled <br />Maws-1of F16rida, and the Hoard of County !dommissioners having given n6tice of fifteen days by <br />publication in the Vero Beach -Press Journal, a newspaper published in Vero Beach, in the County <br />of Indian River, that the Board would meet on this day as a Board of Equalizers for the purpose <br />of hearing complaints and receiving testimony as to the Iralue of any property real, personal or <br />mixed, as fixed by the County Tax Assessor of taxes torYassessment for the taxes for the year <br />1939, and no citizens or tax payers appeared with regard to assessment roll and the Board gave <br /> the roll and for further consideration adjourned until 9:00 o'clock A.M. July <br />7th., 1939. <br />ATTEST: <br />//C ., <br />---------------------- ------ -----------n.------------+- <br />Tdebday ,July 49 1939., <br />The Board of County Commissioners having adjourned its meeting of July 3rd., 1939 <br />to July 7th., 1939 with the understanding that the next regular meeting of said Board should <br />be held July 7th, 1939 and therefore no quorum of said Board being present on July 41 19399 t <br />Board stood adjourned to July 79 1939. <br />. <br />ATTEST: <br />------------------------------ --------------- ------------------ -------r-''-----�'---���...----�-- <br />Tuesday, July 79 1939. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met in the office of the <br />Clerk of the Circuit Court, in^the County of INdian River, on this the 7th., day of July, 1939, <br />.at 9.:00 o•clodk A.M. in regular adjourned meeting and the following County Commissioners were <br />present: 0. S. Michael, Phairman; W. C. Graves, Jr.; S. -E. Glover; Frank C. Vidkers and Albert <br />CEO Relseth. Also. present.were 'tem. Frick, Sheriff; Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, <br />and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />The Board thes.resolved itself into a...Board of Zqualizers of Taxes for the purpose of <br />hearing e2m <br />,plaints and receiving testimony aa -to --the value of any property, real, personal or <br />mixed, as fixed by the County Tax Assessor of Taxes for assessment for the taxes of the year <br />l <br />1939, the owners and agents off; property, who appeared for that purpose, were alldw6d to make. <br />full and complete statements as to.the valuation of the property owned or represented by them abA <br />the Tax.Assessor and the..*embers of the ward having fully discussed the statements and facts a. <br />presented decided not to change .the valuations fixed by the County Assessor of taxes for the <br />year? -1939, and thereupon motion made by W. C. Graves,_;r., seconded by S. E. Glover and carried, <br />said assessment-,rolllwas approved. . <br />The tax;booke 'being ready to be returndd to the Tax Assessor for the purpose of <br />ing the>:taxes thereon as provided by law the Board of County Commissioners took up the matter <br />making an:eet mate of.the necessary expenses foi#he fis©A1 year from October lot, 1939 to the. <br />30th day of .,Sept.ember, 19.40, and having considered the receipts .estimated by the .Clerk and the <br />-7aluation of the .property._of the County as shown by the assessment rolls prepared by the Tax <br />1 <br />
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