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- Orl 6-D <br />X33 <br />'c.' <br />L <br />laid out indconsideration of the sume.of one dollar to each and severally in hand paid by the <br />said County of Indian River, the receipt of which is hereby adknowledged, hereby agree to give <br />the right-of-way throu&Lour lands, as shown by the plat.accompanying this petition, and re- <br />linquish.all claims for reason thereof. <br />Lester Hanshaw <br />Garnet Hanshaw <br />Annie L French <br />W. C. Braddock <br />Bate A. Braddock <br />Chester H. Carleton <br />Mrs. E. H. Carleton <br />It was ordered that George F. Pickers; Charles L Bengnot and L. W. Vickers be appoi <br />a committee to view, mark and lay out the best route and report to this Board. <br />Mrs. Bertha Idorrison appeared bsfore the Board and requested the county emplpy her <br />son at least one daynper week, as her family needed assistance very badly. the Board suggested <br />that her son take the matter up with Miss Bunkley and apply for labor in.the National Youth. <br />Administration. <br />Mrs. Alec Miles appeared before the Board stating that her husband had deserted her <br />and she needed -financial assistance for hbr family. The Board suggested.that she take up the <br />matter of desertion with Judge, Cobb and hsrroase for assistance with Miss Bunkley. <br />Mr. W. L. Farley appeared before the Board and requested the County repair and/or ' <br />open up a'road to his grove which is located southwest of Vero Beach. Mr. Farley was advised <br />that his request would receive consideration. <br />Verdict of Cornner's Jury in .the matter of the death of Albert Moore (col.) was <br />received and ordered filed. <br />Deputy Sheriff -Bond -in. the sum of $1000.00 for Robert W. Graves with J. A. Harms <br />and C,. G. Wilhoit as sureties,awas approved. <br />Mr. Harry Jones appeared before the Board representing approximately fifteen citrus <br />grove owners, requesting repairs be made to,seyeral roads in the County. The Board assured Mr. <br />Jones that every consideration would be given his request to the extent that the roads would <br />be repaired:as soon as possible. <br />Mr. John Niehols, president of Indian River County Business Mien Association, appearee <br />before the Board and requested a committee of one be appointed From the:. Board County Commissi <br />ers to represent the County on the Cc®en Fishing Pier Project. Chairman Michael appointed <br />Albert 0. Helseth to serve on this committee. <br />Mr. F. C. Poppell representing interested citizens of Winter Beach, requested the <br />Board to have work started on the Winter Beach W.P.A. Cemetery Project. He was advised that <br />the project had been approved, but that no W.? -,A. workers were available for the job. <br />The Board took under advisement, a request from Oseah L, Dubose, dhatrman, and Louis <br />Harris, Su2erintendent of the Board of Public Instructions for $10,000.00 of. the County Race <br />Tract Funds, with which to help finance the Operation Of sbhools next term. <br />The Board also took under advisement a request from S, P1 Starbird, Vocational, <br />Agricultural teacher fo* $1000.00 with which to help finance the construction of a Agriculture <br />class building on local High.School grounds. <br />'�Mr. George Pierce, Jacksonville, Florida, appeared before the Board and outlined a <br />,proposition to issue Revenue Refunding Bonds on all oustanding Road & Bridge Bonds, stating <br />this would eliminate the ad valoruip tax and herfurther proposed to fix the gasolinq tax so it <br />could not be changed,but to use all revenue derived from the gas tax for said Rbvenue Bonds <br />give the surplus to the County, ke further stated the present gas tax benefits would expire in <br />1946. No action was taken by the Board. <br />Miss Leila Bunkley, County Nurse appeared before the Board and made a report as to <br />her activities for the month of June and filed her report as follows, to -wit: <br />1 <br />1 <br />