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a <br />1 <br />1 <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board ad- <br />journed until Tuesday, August 8, 1939. <br />ATTEST <br />E <br />-------- rl <br />TUESDAY s AUGUST 1, 1939. <br />The Board of County Commissioners having adjourned its meeting of Zu1F�15', 1939 to <br />August -8, 1939 with the understanding that the next regular meeting of said Board should be <br />held August 8, 1939 and.therefore no quorum of.said Board being present on August 1, 1939, the <br />Board stood adjourned th tAhgast 8 , 1939. <br />o <br />AT, <br />----------------------------------------=-------------------------------------------- <br />TUESDAY, AUGUST 0th , -1939 . <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court house in <br />Vero Beach, at 9:30 A. M. Tuesday, August 8th, 1939 in regular adjourned meeting with -the fol- <br />lowing members of the Board present; C. S. Michael, Chairman; S. F. Glover, W. C. -Graves, Zr., <br />and Frank C. Vickers. Absent: Albert 0, Helseth. Also present were Wm. W. Frick, Sheriff; Chas <br />A. Mitchell, Attorhey for the Board, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />The minutes,of June 6th, 22nd, 29th, Tuly 3rd 4th and 7th were read and approved. <br />It was ordered Henry DeLong, Henry Noble and Manuel Baine be removed from the Pauper <br />list since they had been reinstated to receive State Aid. <br />Attorney Ed. Denison appeared before the.Board, in behalf of. St.. Lucie County, and <br />presented an alleged claimo said to arise under the act.creating.Indian River County and with <br />reference to cert-4iz tax redemptions. Spid claim was referred to.Attorney Chas. A. Mitchell, <br />Mrs. Mabel Zohnson, Supervisor of the `housekeeping Aid Project, appeared before the <br />Board and explained the services to be connection with said project and asked that <br />an appropriation be made to assist -An transportation -and -other incidental expenses* an motion <br />made by S. E. Glover,_seconded by Frank C. Vickers and carried, an appropriation of $10.00 per <br />month, to be peid from the. General Revenue Fund, was made for this project. <br />Commissioner Frank C. Vickers introduced the following Resolution and moved its adopt- <br />ion, to -wit: <br />WEMMAS, an opportunity is offered Indian River County to exploit, publicize, adver- <br />tise and otherwide advance the horticultural, agricultural, commercial and other interests of <br />Indian River County thru the display of agricultural products, industrial products, dioramas <br />and other display.materials by -a public showing at a leading Fair or Exposition to be held in <br />the State of Florida during the tourist season of 1940; and <br />WHEREAS, the agency best fitted to properly design, create,_ operate and maintain said <br />Exhibit for said county,is.FLORIDA HAT'IONAL EIgIBiTS INCA; a non-profit corporation created <br />under the Laws of Florida for the purpose of designing, constructing, maintainin&'and operat <br />Exhibits and Displays on behalf of the State of Florida and its citizens at important FAIRS <br />and evidenced by the past fire years of sucoossful operations at Chicago, New <br />Yprk a4d Cleveland; and <br />_ ASW.2aca-Traak and Gasoline taxes accruing to this County have been greatly in- <br />creased as t ge result of Florida' -s participation in the aforesaid Expositions; and <br />WH sn i all lines offi bus ness in the State '. of Florida have been benefitted as a re - <br />suit of said Florida State Fxhibits; <br />NOW$ TARE GRE,, BE IT RESOLD that ire, as and constituting the Board of Cou q Com- <br />0 <br />