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`342 <br />Vickers it was declared the following vote: <br />Ayes: Vickers, Glover Michael and Graves. <br />Nayes: bone <br />i <br />The Bdard,'the proceeded with the matter of fixing the rate of taxation for the Count <br />�O <br />amd <br />for Special Distr of purposes for the year 1939, and after careful consideration of the <br />estimated receipts and expenditures the following resolution was offered by Commissioner Grave, <br />to -wit: <br />Be it resolved that the rate of Taxation nedessary to meet the expenses of the Board <br />of County Commissioners of Adican River and the various other funds hereinafter set out, is <br />as hereinafter levied and that the tax rate as shown and set forth be and it is hereby levied <br />for the year 1939 at the rate hereinafter set out, to -wit: <br />In order to meet the estimated.durrent expenses of the County of IP,4ian River of the <br />sum of $299298.009 it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of S6ybh (7) mills <br />upon the dollar be levied and is hereby imposed upon all of the property lying and being in the <br />County of Indian River on the first day of January, 1939, for the GENERAL 737EM FUND, to Mee <br />the current expenses.of the County and to provide for the.expenditures as.eatimnted in the -bud <br />get hereinbefore set forth. <br />To meet the 1penses estimated to be necessary to be Paid out of the & FOS <br />FOND the sum of $119387.009 it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Three (3) <br />mills upon -the dollar be levied, assessed, and is hereby imposed upon all the property Ding a <br />being in the County of Indian River on the first day of tanpary, 1939, for the Fine & Forfeitu <br />Fund, to meet the *arrest expenses as-estimeted in the budget. <br />To cover the amount of the estimated bxpenses for keeping the County Roads in good <br />shape and and repairing of bridges and other necessaryexpensesto keep - <br />the roads of the County in good condition and provided other roads when necessary of $25,346. <br />it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Nine (9) mills upon the dollar be levied, <br />assessed and is hereby imposed upon all of the property lying and being in the County of Indi <br /> -of January,. 1939, to meet the current edpenses of the County as estima <br />in the budget for the ROAD & BRI1;tiE"`M. <br />To meet the interest payments upon and provide,,'a sinking fund for the retiring of <br />the pro -rata debt to St. Lucie County, Florida, representated by refunding bonds dated July <br />1st9 1937, in prusuanoe of the requirements of the law the sum of $3,677,97 it is hereby date <br />mined and declared that a tax rate of One mill upon the dollar be levied, assessed and is <br />hereby imposed upon all the property lying and being in the County of Indian River on the fit <br />day pf lanuary, 1939, for the INTEREST & SINKING FUND. <br />To meet th000utttanding indebtedness and interest thereon according to the estimates <br />or budget the sum of $9t405,00 it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of Five (5) <br />mills upon the dollar be levied, assessed, and is hereby imposed upon all the property in the <br />County of Indian River on the first clay of January, 19390 to meet the current expenses as es- <br />timated in the budget, for the OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS FMr t <br />To provide a fund.for the payment to worthy mothers a pension in order their chi,ldrex <br />attend the public sbhobls of the County, the sum of $29251.509 itis determined and hereby de - <br />Glared that a tax rate of One (1) mill upon the dollar be levied, assessed, and is hereby im- <br />posed upon all of the property lying and being in the County of Indian River on the first day <br />January, 1939, to meet the current expenses of the County as estimated in the budget for the <br />MOTHERS'PENSION FOND. <br />To meet the interest payments and protide a for the ultimate redemption <br />of County Court House bonds, in -pursuance of the requirements of the lawst'he`kum of $5,781.20 <br />it is determined and hereby declared that a tax tate of Three (3) mills upon the dollar be <br />