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L. P. Simmons as sureties was approved. <br />Mother's Pension application for Mrs. Lillian Strickland, Fero Beach, was approved <br />for $12.00 per month until the further orders of the Board. <br />Requisition was made to W. P. A. , for 500 gallons of . gpsbline . to be used on the Winter) <br />Beach Cemetery Project. <br />Coroner's report in -the matter of the death of Coy Powell was received and ordered <br />filed in the Clerk's office. <br />Application of lune Anita A=strong for admission to the Florida State Tuberculosis <br />Sanatorium, Orlando was approved with -the understanding that the local T. 936 Association <br />would be responsible for the Countyts-portion of tospitalization costs for at least four months <br />RESOLUTION <br />Commissioner S., E. Glover introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: <br />WHMAS, The State Board of Administration has submitted certain proposals of indivi- <br />duals, firms and oorporations offering to sell to said pfd of Aftinistration certain bonds -of <br />Indian River County, and obligations assumed by said County, under the provisions of House Bill <br />No. 309 acts of the 1933 legislature; and <br />WEWAS, after carefully considering all of such proposals and taking into consider- <br />ation the amount of funds available for that purpose, and the approximate value of said -bonds <br />and obligations, it is deemed advisable and purchase and cancel certain of sgJA <br />bonds and obligations to -wit; <br />Special Road.and Bridge District #1 d% Bond No. 29, dated Zanuary 1, 1918,,due July <br />10 19359 at a price of $950.00 net, with July 1, 1932, and subsequent coupons attached, ad <br />designated offering "A". <br />THEMFORE, BE IT.RHSOLVED, by the Board of County Commissioners that the State Board <br />of Administration be requested to purchase and cancel the securities listed above at the price <br />quoted, <br />The resolution was.duly seconded by Commissioner Graves and upon being put to a vote <br />the same was unanimously adopted. <br />A statement for delinquent drainage taxes on property owned by the County was refe <br />to Attorney Mitchell for investigation. <br />Request for additional financial aid for the local Housekeeping project was not <br />granted. <br />n ..Request of D: C. Smith, Attorney for St. Lucie County for cooperation of Indian Rive <br />County to the extent of approximately $275.00 for the completion of the Circuit library at <br />Ft. Pierce was tabled. <br />It was moved by S. T. Glover, seconded by Albert.Q. Helseth and unanimously carried <br />that the sum of $300.00 be.paid:to the Vero beach Band Association. <br />It was ordered Diss Lucille Spellman be reimbur"d,"the.sum of $5.00 which she paid <br />on rent account for A. L. Williamson, Sebastian.and two grocery orders.for $3.00 each for <br />Cllr Williamson were approved. <br />It was ordered Samuel Smith, Winter Beach be placed on the Pauper's list to receive <br />the sum of $5.00 per.month until the further orders of the toard. <br />W. C. Graves, #'r., and Albert 0. Helseth were appointed as a committee to contact <br />city officials and request their cooperation financially and otherwise to work out some feasi <br />solution for welfare work and assistance to needy of theCounty. <br />Notary Public bond for Leila Gray in the sum of 1500.00 with the Metropolitan Casual <br />Indurance Company of New York as surety, was approved. <br />The sum of $1.50 was received from Frank C. Vickers in payment of one and one-half <br />1 <br />1 <br />