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1 <br />1 <br />:38s, <br />Mrs. Cox stating that this proposition had been previously investigated by this Board and in <br />at <br />the Board's opinion it would not appear to be on a equitable basis, therefore/this time they <br />preferred not to adopt the Resdlution as prepared and suggested by the P.T.A. Association. <br />F. E'. Carter, Road Superintendant, reported it would cost approximately $800.00 to <br />furnish electricity to the County '.barn. He also reported the Telephone Company was making a <br />survey with regard to installing as many telephones as possible in the rural districts of the <br />Commapity. <br />It was moved by S. E. Glover, seconded by W. C. Graves, Sr. and unanimously carried <br />,that the salary of Thomas Palmer, County mechanic, be increased from $60.00 to $75.00 per month <br />effective March lst., 1940. <br />It was ordered that fire insurance be placed with the Buckingham -,Wheeler Insurance <br />p. <br />.Agency and Rick Insurance Agency on all County trucks now in operation. <br />Douglas.Baker, Clerk, reported the sura of $110.40 as having been received from Indian <br />River County T. B. and Health Association and that same has been placed in the GENERAL REVENGE <br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited were examined <br />and found correct, wXere approved and warrants ordered.issued in the settlement of same. Such <br />bills and accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The warrants <br />so issued from the respective funds being listed in the supplemental minute book as provided <br />by the rules of the State Auditor, reference to such record and the list so recorded being made <br />a part of these minutes., <br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disbursements <br />of the various funds which having been audited were found to be correct. <br />adjourned. <br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then <br />. <br />ATTEST : <br />/X) <br />C <br />ooww�cooASIRK <br />ws�c�owow000wo}�o�oowowwsw00000w-wwor�wo--oww000woo�rwwwowwowwowwsowoo w.�i.w�w�r�rowowww-www <br />TUESDAY, APRIL. 2nd . , 1940s. <br />Thh Board of County,Commissiohers of Indian River County met at the Court house in <br />Vero Beach, at 10:00 A. M. Tuesday, April 2nd., 1940, in regular meeting with the following <br />members of the Board preseat: C. S. Michael, Chairman; S. E. Glover, W. C. Graves, Sr., Albert <br />0. Helseth and Frank C. Vickers. Also present were Wm.W, Frick, Sheriff; Chas. A. Mitchell, <br />Attorney for the Board, and Do%glas Baker, Clerk. <br />Mr. S. P. Sibley, as Executor of the Estate of T. H. Sibley, deceased, appeared be <br />the Board and filed a protest with regard to establishing the heretofore proposed Sohn Massey <br />Road at Wabasso as follows, to -wit: <br />. <br />Ron. Board of County Commissioners, <br />Indian River County, <br />Vero Beach, Florida. <br />Gentlemen: <br />Wabasso, Florida, <br />March 26, 1940. <br />I received a copy of"the resolution dated March 5, 1940, wherein you declared part of <br />the property belonging to the estate of;J'T. H. Sibley to be set apart for a public road, being <br />known as the i7ohn Massey Road in Wabasso, Indian River County, Florida. <br />As Executor of the estate of T. H. Sibley, deceased, it is my duty to protect the in- <br />tere-sts of the said estate, and I therefore protest against taking the property belonging to <br />said estate without compensation. , <br />I am get withyou and see if some agreement can be worked out. <br />