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1 <br />1 <br />475 <br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disbursements <br />of the various funds which having been audited was found to be correct. <br />adjourned. <br />There being no further business on motion made second and carried the Board then <br />GHAIMM .1e <br />ATT T: <br />• <br />-•---• •--------------------------•-------------------------•------•---•----------------------- <br />TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 4TH., 1941; <br />The Board of County Commissioners in and for Indian River County, Florida, met at they <br />Court House in Fero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, February 4th., 1941 in Regular <br />meeting with the following members of the Board present: C. S. Michael, Chairman; S. E. Glover, <br />W. C. Graves, Zt., Albert 0. Helseth and Frank C.. Vickers. Also present were Chns� A. Mitchell, <br />Attorney for the Board, Wm. W. Frick, Sheriff, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />approved. <br />The minutes of December 3rd and 17th, 1940 and January 7th, 1941 were read and <br />It was moved by Albert O. Helseth, seconded by S. E. Glover and unanimously carried, <br />that the Vero Beach Press Journal, a newspaper of general circulation, published in Indian <br />River County, Florida and which newspaper has been continuously published in said County for <br />a period of more than one year prior to this date, be and it is -hereby selected and designated <br />by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County as the newspaper in which shall be <br />published the list of lands to be advertised and sold by the Tax Collector of Indian River <br />County and;:Whiah selection is required under the provisions of Section 969 Compiled General <br />Laws of Florida; -and that said newspaper be designated for the publication of such other legal <br />notices as may be required to be designated by said Board of County Commissioners. <br />At the request of Mr. S. R. Hart representing the Florida National Exhibits, Inc. <br />the following Resolution was adopted: <br />RESOLUTION -FLORIDA NATIONAL EXHIBITS <br />WHEREAS, an opportunity is offered Indian River County to exploit, publicize, adver- <br />tissand otherwise advance the horticultural, agricultural, commercial and other interests of <br />Indian River County thru the display of agricultural products, industrial products, dioramas <br />and other display materials by a public showing at a leading Fair or Exposition to,be held in <br />the State of 'Florida during the tourist season of 1941; and <br />WHEREAS, the agency best fitted to, create, operate and maintain <br />said Exhibit for said County is FLORIDA NATIONAL► EXHIBITS, INC., a non-profit corporation cre- <br />ated under the Laws of Florida for the purpose of designing, constructing, maintdining and <br />operating Exhibits and Displays on behalf of the State of Florida and its citizens at important) <br />FAIRS and EXPOSITIONS, as evidenced by the past five years of successful operations at Chicago, <br />New York and Cleveland; and <br />WHEREAS, Race Track and Gasoline taxes accruing to this County have been greatly in- <br />creased at the result of Floridafs participation in the aforesaid Expositions; and <br />WHEREAS, all lines of business in the State of Florida have been benefitted as a <br />result of said Florida State Exhibits; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that We, as and constituting the Board of County <br />Commissioners of Indian River County, DO AGREE to emplpy as our agents, FLORIDA NATIONAL EX- <br />HIBITS, INC., in designing, preparing, exhibiting and operating the aforementioned exhibits <br />for display at a leading Fair or Exposition to be held in the State of Florida duitcg the Minter <br />Season of 1941, and that we provide the cost of said exhibit thru inclusion in the General <br />Revenue„fund of Indian River Countyfs budget for 1941-42, $425.00, an amount equal to 5� cents <br />