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<br />WEDNESDAY. LARCH 19TH. 1941.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in
<br />Vero Beach at 7:00 P. M., Wednesday, March 19th, 1941, in called meeting with the following
<br />members of the Board presents:. Albert O. Helseth, Chairman pro tem, W. C. Graves, Jr., Frank
<br />C. Vickers and S. E. Glover. Absent: C. S. Michael.. Also present were Chas. A. Mitchell, Attor-
<br />ney and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />Application of C. M. Oppenheimer and sons (Blue -Front Liquor Store) for a license to
<br />sell intoxicating liquor, wine:!.!�•and beer was received and after carefully considering the same,
<br />on motion made, seconded and carried the same was approved.
<br />It was ordered that any Commissioner, who could, and the Clerk attend the State
<br />County Commissioners Convention in Jacksonville, to be held March 21st, and 22nd, in the inter-
<br />est of Indian River County regarding gas tau measures. Expenses for those who go to be paid,
<br />by the County.
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then
<br />adjourned.
<br />CHIMAN low
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<br />ATTZJ�T :
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<br />- r -- -7 --------------------------------------------------- - --------------------------- w --------
<br />_ TUESDAY. APR1L 1ST. 1941.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River -County -met at the Court Rouse in
<br />Vero Beach at I0:00 0 clock_A. M. Tuesday,. -.April 1st, 1941 to regular meeting with the follow-
<br />ing members of the Board presents:.C. S. Kichael,_Chairman, Albert 0. Helseth, Frank C. Vickers;
<br />W. C. Graves, Jr., and S. E. Glover. Also present were ism. W. Frick, Sheriff, Chas. A. Mitchell,
<br />Attorney for the Board and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of March 4th and 19th were read and approved.
<br />On motion of Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., second by -Commissioner Albert 0. Helseth;
<br />the following resolution was adopted.
<br />11EREAS, The State Road Department of Florida has authorized and requested Indian
<br />River County to furnish the necessary rights of way and easements for Project 951, of State
<br />Road No. 30, which has been surveyed and located by the State Road Department as shown by map
<br />on file in theofficeof the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Indian River County, and in the off
<br />of the said Department in Tallahassee, and
<br />WHEREAS, The said Department will not begin construction of said Project in said
<br />County until title to all ,land necessary for said project has been conveyed to or vested in
<br />tenants, buildings and/or other structures situate upon or encroaching
<br />said State by said County, and said lands physically cleared of all occupants&Jthin the limits
<br />of the lands required for said project; now therefore be it,
<br />RESOLVED that said Indian River County, through its Board of County Commissioners,
<br />comply with the request of said Department and procure, convey or vest in said State the free,
<br />clear and unencumbered title to all Iands necessary for said Project, and deliver to the State
<br />Road Department said lands physically clear of all occupants, tenants, buildings and/or other
<br />structures situate°`,upon or encroaching within the limits of the lands required for said project;
<br />and that the Chairman and the Clerk of this Board be and they are hereby authorized and directed
<br />