earmark for cancellation an amount of Refunding Bonds held in its custody which were provided
<br />to be issued to refund the particular Original Indebtedness -described in such State Treasurer's]
<br />advices as having been retired, and to cancel said amount of Refunding Bonds upon being advised)
<br />by R.E. Crummer & Company of the particular numbers and maturities of said Refunding Bonds to
<br />be so cancelled; and said Exchange Bank shall promptly forward such cancelled Refunding Bonds
<br />to the State Treasurer as County Treasurer ex officio, Tallahassee, Florida, for clearing
<br />through the records of the State Board of Administration and.to be subsequently returned to the
<br />District, sending copies of each letter.of transmittal (a).tonthe Clerk of this Board; (b) to
<br />R.E. Crummer & Company, First Rational Bank Building, Orlando, Florida; and (c) to said Com -
<br />pang at 800 First National Bank Building, Chicago, Illinois.
<br />Section Vi. That the Clerk of this Board be and he is hereby directed to promptly forward
<br />copies of this resolution, not accompanied by copies of the. Refunding Resolution, as follows:
<br />Two (I)_certified.copies hereof to.R.E. Crummer & Company, at Orlando, Florida; and
<br />One (1) executed copy hereof to The First National Bank at Orlando, Florida.
<br />PASSED AND APPROVED May 249 1941•
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Attestt
<br />Do las B ker
<br />C ark, The Board of Cour y Commiss oners
<br />of Indian River County, Florida.
<br />vaacna.r....tea., �a w —Wa w W� W—w yr
<br />Commissioners of Indian River
<br />County, Florida
<br />There being no further business on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then
<br />adjourned..
<br />m
<br />ATTEST:
<br />TUESDAY, MW 3, 1941
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House in Vero
<br />Beach at 1000 o'clock A.M., Tuesday, June 39 1941, in regular meeting with the following
<br />members of the Board present: C.S. Michael, Chairman,.Albert.O. Helseth, S.E. Glover, Frank
<br />C. Vickers and W.C. Graves, Jr. Also present were Chas. A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board,
<br />Von. W. Frick, Sheriff and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />The minutes of.May b and May 24, 1941, were read and approved.
<br />The Board authorized Douglas Baker, Clerk, to purchase the following record books for
<br />the Clerk's Office: One Circuit Court Minutes Book; One County.Commissioners Minutes Book
<br />and One Bond Register.
<br />It was ordered.that Mrs. Lillian Strickland be removed from the Nother's Pension Fhrrd.>.y
<br />effective duly lot, for the reason that her daughter -is now employed in the VPA Sewing Room,
<br />Messrs Inman TIP. 'Weeks, Commissioner of Fish and Game of .the Fourth District, John L.
<br />Billings, Conservation Agent, J.B. Tippin, President Rod and Gun Club and *W.A, 'Uptergrove
<br />appeared before the Board with.regard to the removal of.rough.fish from Blue Cypress Lake.
<br />Chairman Michael appointed Commissioner Graves and Commissioner Glover as a committee to
<br />meet with a committee from the Rod and Gun Club for the purpose of, : ele.oting-some-person to
<br />do the proposed work. Also to select.a local.man.to oversee.,the proposed _Troject. Commiss-
<br />loner Weeks further stated that a man from the Fish and Game Commission would be present at
<br />all times.
<br />L
<br />1
<br />1
<br />