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1 <br />F-� <br />1 <br />THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1941 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Courthouse in <br />Vero Beach, at 12:00 otclock noon, Thursday, September 18, 1941, in special meeting with the <br />following members of the Board present: C. S. Michael, Chairman; Frank C. Vickers, W. C. <br />Graves, Jr., and Albert 0. Helseth. Absent: S. E. Glover. Also present were S. N. Smith, Jr., <br />Attorney., Wm. W. Frick, Sheriff, and -Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />There were also present by invitation the following; Ammon McClellan, State Housing <br />Co-ordinator, Miss Mayola Miller, Farm Supervisor of the Farm Security Administration and other <br />interested citizens and tax payors of Indian River County. <br />The entire proosedure of this special meeting is on file in the County Commissioners <br />correspondence file under the letter R and under the title "Regional Housing Authority " in the <br />office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. Albert 0. Helseth, seconded by Frank C. Vickers and duly pass- <br />ed, the meeting, insofar as the rural housing is concerned, was. adjourned at 1:45 o'clock P. M. <br />The Chairman reopenned the meeting for such other business as might be properly <br />bought before the Board <br />RAI <br />Constable surety bond for Tipton Rice, District #5, in the sum of $500.00 with Stand - <br />and Accident Insurance Company, Detroit, Michigan, as surety was approved. <br />E. E. Carter, County Engineer, was designated by the Board as the County Priority <br />authority to sign priority purchases. <br />As requested under date of September 11, 19419 the following companies submitted bids <br />on a stove and water heater for the Jail. <br />Name of Company <br />MacDonald Hardware Company <br />Vapo Gas Company <br />Bedding & Furniture Supply Company <br />East Coast Gas Company <br />For bottle Gas <br />Amount of Bid Trade in <br />Allowance <br />1 169.70 0 15.00 <br />289.25 40.00 <br />219.00 42.00 <br />245.00 -- <br />156.00 -- <br />Net Bid <br />154.70 <br />249.25 <br />177.00 <br />245.00 <br />156.00 <br />After careful consideration, on motion made by Albert 0. Helseth, seconded by W. C. <br />Graves, Jr., and carried the bid of MacDonald Hardware Company, which was the lowest bid, in <br />the sum of $154.70 was ebcepted'. <br />adoption. <br />RES OLUTI ON - MARSH AREA <br />Commissioner W. C. Graves, Jr., introduced the following Resolution and moved its <br />WHEREAS, the City of Vero Beach, Florida, desires to drain certain marsh areas within <br />the City of Vero Beach and adjacent to the water line of Indian River and to fill such marsh <br />areas so drained, and <br />to <br />WHEREAS, the draining and filling of such marsh areas as aforesaid would be/the great <br />benefit and advancement of the City of Vero Beach and the County of Indien.River, Florida, and <br />WHEREAS, the draining and filling of such marsh areas as aforesaid would greatly <br />assist in the eradication of mosquitoes in the county and would improve the health and sanitat- <br />ion conditions in the Community, and <br />WHEREAS, the draining and filling of said marsh areas as aforesaid will require the <br />dredging.of certain areas of Indian River within Indian River County, Florida, and extending <br />the water line of said river, and <br />WHEREAS, it is necessary to obtain a permit from the United States War Department to <br />dredge said areas of Indiah River and extend the water line of the same, now therefore, <br />BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Floridi <br />