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Fr ­ <br />53b <br />lying and being within the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 7, the boundaries of <br />d <br />which said District being described ahove in these minutes. <br />. To,meet.the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption <br />of bonds and Time warrants of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 11, and in pursuance of the re- <br />quirements of law, and as estimated by the County Board of Public Instruction, it is determined <br />and hereby declared that a tax rate of Three (3) mills upon the dollar, be levied, and is here- <br />by fixed and assessed for the year 1941, on all of the property in the County of Indian River <br />lying and being within the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 11, the boundaries of <br />which said District being described above in these minutes, One and three -fourth (1 3/4) mills <br />to be used for the paying of interest and providing a sinking fund for refunding bonds of said <br />District dated the first day of December, 1936, and one and one-fourth (1 J) mills dor the <br />purpose of paying interest upon and providing a sinking fund 'for bonds of said district dated <br />December 1, 1940. <br />To meet the interest payments and provide. a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption <br />of bonds of SPECIAL TAS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 14, and in pursuance of law and as estimated by the <br />County board of Public Instruction, it is determined and hereby declared that a tax rate of <br />Three and two fifths (3 2/5) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed <br />for the year 1941, on all of .the property in the County of Indian River, lying and being with <br />in the boundaries of which said District being described above in these minutes. <br />Estimates having been made by the Board of Commissioners of INDIAN RIMER MOSQUITO <br />CONTROL DISTRICT,and a certified copy of the resolution Baled with this Board, as required by <br />law, and as estimated by the Board of Commissioners, it is determined and hereby declared that <br />a tax rate of One and two -fifths (1 2/5) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed <br />and assessed for the year 1941, on all of the property in the County of Indian River, lying and <br />being within the boundaries of said Indian River Mosquito control District, the boundaries of <br />said District being described as follows, to -wit: All of that territory in Indian'River County, <br />Florida, included with the boundaries described as follows, to -wit: Begin ,at a pointe where..the <br />South boundary line of Indian River County, Florida, intersects the Atlantic Ocean; thence run <br />West along the South boundary line of Indian River County, Florida, to the Southwest corner of <br />Section 31, township 33 South, Range 36 East; thence run North along the Range line dividing <br />Range.35 East and Range 36 East to the Northwest corner of Section 6, Township 33 South, Range <br />36 East and which corner is on the boundary line dividing Township 32 South and Township 33 Sou <br />thence run East on the boundary line dividing Township 33 South and Township 32 South to the <br />Southwest corner of Section 31, Township 32 South, Range 39 east; thence run North on the bound <br />ary line dividing Range 38 East and Range 39 East to the Northwest corner of Section 6, Town <br />ship..3.2 South, Mange 39 East; thence run East along the boundary line dividing Township 31 <br />South and Township 32 South to the Atlantic Ocean and the East boundary line of Indian River <br />County; thence run South along the East boundary line of Indian River County to the point of <br />beginning." <br />Estimates having been made by the Board of Commissioners of the FLORIDA INLAND NAVI- <br />GATION DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the resolution filed with this Board, as required by <br />law, and as estimated by the said Board of Commissioners, it is determined and hereby declared <br />that a tax rate of One-tenth (1/10) mill upon the dollar, be levied, and is hereby fixed and <br />imposed and assessed for the year 1941, on all., of the property in the County of Indian River <br />lying and being within the boundaries of said Florida Inland Navigation District, the boundar- <br />ies of said District being described as the entire County as a whole, One -twentieth (1/20) mill <br />of which shall be used to pay interest and create a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption of <br />bonds outstanding and One -twentieth (1/20) mill shall be used for all expenses including the <br />purchase price of right-of-way and other property. <br />1 <br />1 <br />