be made available, at the price of par and accrued interest,,$45,000 of Indian River County
<br />Special Road and Bridge District No. 4 Road and Bridge Refunding Bonds dated January 1, 1937,
<br />if such bonds are offered to said Board.
<br />Section 2. That as an alternative to the purchase of the aforesaid amount of bonds
<br />in the event that no such offering is made, the State Board of Administration at Tallahassee,
<br />Florida, is hereby authorized and requested to forward to the Chemical Bank and Trust Company,
<br />New York, New York, the paying agent named in said issue of bonds, the sum of $45,000 for the
<br />purpose of retiring said principal amount of the designated issue on January 1, 1942, this
<br />Board of County Commissioners having made arrangements to supply the remaining principal amount
<br />required to meet the bonds called for payment as of January 1, 1942.
<br />Section 3. That the State Board of Administration is hereby requested and directed
<br />to cause to be remitted to the paying agent designated in the particular issue of bonds, funds
<br />to pay coupon due January 1, 1942, on bonds of the following issues that may be outstanding
<br />on January 1, 1942:
<br />Indian River County, Florida, Special Road and Bridge District
<br />No. 4 Road and Bridge Refunding Bonds dated January 1, 1937.
<br />Indian River County, Florida, Special Road and Bridge District
<br />No. 4 Road and Bridge Refunding Bonds dated January 1, 1941.
<br />Section 4. That the funds necessary to carry out the provisions of Sections 1, 2 and l
<br />3 hereof shall be derived from present Interest and Sinking Fund balances and from transfer
<br />the Kanner Bill account accrued or to accrue, which transfer the State Board of Administration
<br />is hereby authorized and directed to make.
<br />Section 5. That, if calculations made by the State Board of Administration reveal
<br />that after allowing for the amount required to meet the interest payment set forth in Section
<br />3 hereof, funds will not be available to retire and principal amount of Refunding Bonds dated
<br />January. 1, 1937, namely $45,000 as set forth in Sections 1 and 2 hereof, then and in that event
<br />the principal amount of bonds to be so retired will be reduced to the principal amount for
<br />which the records of the Board of Administration indicate funds can be made available.
<br />Section 6. That this Board affirms that when and as provision has been made for the
<br />retirement of the $45,000 of bonds as set forth in Section 1 and 2 hereof, then $44,000 of the
<br />1941 Series of Refunding Bonds will not be subject to issuance and can be cancelled, there hav-
<br />ing been no refunding bond of the 1941 Series provided for bond No. 361 of the January 1, 19379
<br />issue.
<br />Section 7. That the State Board of Administration is respectfully requested to not-
<br />ify the Clerk of this Board not later than December 12, 1941, of the action taken on this re-
<br />solution.
<br />Section 8. That the Clerk of this Boprd shall furnish duplicate certified copies of
<br />this resolution to the State Board of Administration, which certified copies will be the au-
<br />thority of that Board to do and perform the acts necessary to carry out the purpose of this
<br />resolution.
<br />The resolution was duly seconded by Commissioners Graves and upon being put to a
<br />Vote the same was unanimously adopted.
<br />Commissioner Glo=ver introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption to -wit;
<br />WHEREAS, the bridge which traverses the Indian River in Indian River County, Florida,
<br />at Winter Beach, Florida, and which bridge is known .as the Quay Bridge is a part of a public
<br />highway which has been heretofore designated as a state road; and
<br />WHEREAS, such bridge serves a considerable amount of traffic passing to and from the
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