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$148 00 nd County of New York, s.s:- <br />ALTMAN, being duly sworn, says that she is <br />Notice of Bond Sale �tising Clerk of THE BOND BUYER, a daily and <br />ewspaper printed and published at 67 Pearl <br />covering the City of New York, County of New York, <br />Road and Bridge Refunding Bonds, New York; and the notice, of which the an - <br />Series 1941 a printed copy, was regularly published in <br />kBOND BUYER on — <br />of � <br />Indian River County <br />FLORIDA <br />Special Road and Bridge District No. 4 A.d„ertiszng cis.k. <br />SEALED BIDS will be received until 10 o'clock A. M., on <br />DECEMBER 23, 1941, and sworn to before me this <br />by the undersigned at the Courthouse, Vero Beach, Florida, for Refunding ,,Q7� I <br />Bonds of Ipdian River County, Florida, Special Road and Bridge Distriet� 51?! y of`^'- 94 <br />No. 4, described below: _ <br />DATR OF BONDS, January 1, 1941. <br />INTAEST RATE, 4% per annum, payable semi-annually on January 1 <br />'and July 1. <br />INTEREST AND PRINCIPAL PAYABLE at The Manufacturers Trust <br />Company, New York, New York. Tr -,NOMINATION, $1,000.00. <br />TION AS TO PAYMENT BEFORE MATURITY, None. <br />TYPE OF BONDS, General Obligations of the District. <br />APF 4rhigPFIIYIAN, by Messrs. Chapman and Cutler of Chicago, Illinois. pUBL C, <br />,�F U$ITI Al NTS 1 County (No. 263) <br />- t filed, <br />w X County (No. 774) <br />1946..' ............. •c• _..' wl0n entre. Maroh 30, 1677 <br />14, 00.00 <br />1946.. ............................. 10,000.00 - <br />1947 ............................... 10,90o.00 <br />1948.. * ' <br />948.... .. ............ .. ........... 10,000.00 <br />..: 1949 ............................... 11,000.00 <br />1950 ................................ 11,000.00 <br />1951 ................................ 12,000.00 <br />s*- 1952 ............................... 12,000.00 -._.... _. <br />.. <br />1953.. 13,000.00 <br />1954.. 13,000.00 <br />1955 ................................ 12,000.00 <br />Total .......................... $148,000.00 <br />Delivery of said bonds shall be made at The First National Bank of <br />Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, and shall be made December 31, 1941, before <br />11:00 o'clock A. M., Eastern Standard Time, on said date, attention being <br />directed to the fact that the outstanding optional bonds to be retired by the <br />proceeds from the sale of these Bonds have been called for redemption and <br />payment on January 1, 1942. <br />All coupons maturing January 1, 1942 or prior on said Bonds will be <br />clipped before delivery of the Bonds. No bids will be considered except for <br />the entire amount offered for sale, but only such amount thereof shall be <br />delivered as may be delivered in accordance with law. <br />The undersigned reserves the right (1) to award the bonds to the bidder <br />submitting the most advantageous bid, which shall be determined by the <br />undersigned in its absolute and uncontrolled discretion; and (2) to reject <br />,any or all bids. <br />Bids must he enclosed in a sealed envelope marked on the Outside <br />"PROPOSAL FOR REFUNDING BONDS;" and shall be accompanied by <br />a cer 'fled check upon or, Cashier's Check of an incorporated Bank or Trust <br />Cotiipany, payable unconditionally to the order of the undersigned for an <br />amount equivalent to three per cent. (3;9) of the par value of the bonds <br />covered by each bid, which said check will be forfeited to the undersigned <br />as liquidated damages by the bidder to whom the Bonds may be awarded <br />in the event of non-performance of the terms of his bid, or returned to the <br />said bidder simultaneously with, or forthwith after full performance thereof. <br />Checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned on the day the award is made. <br />If the undersigned does not make award of the bonds the day the bids are <br />opened, any bidder may immediately recover his check if he does not desire <br />to allow his bid to remain open for consideration during the period desired. <br />for consideration by the undersigned; but, in the event of any withdrawal of <br />any such check, the bid to which said check was attached will be considered <br />as having been withdrawn and not subject to further consideration. <br />THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA. <br />