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period. However,it is the understanding of the citizens of such area that it is the intention <br />and the desire of the Naval, Military and civilian officials of the United States that allocat- <br />ion of qualified medical, surgical and nursing personnel be made in such manner that if possib- <br />le the requirements of the armed services for such personnel be met from such sources and areas <br />as shall permit all areas of the nation to have their prorate share of such personnel as shall <br />remain available after fulfilling the requirements of the armed forces of the nation; and <br />WHEREAS in view of the understanding of the citizens of such area as above stated it <br />is deemed proper to call the attention of the proper officers of the Navy and of the Bureau of <br />Medicine and Surgery of the Navy Department to the local situation with the thought that such <br />situation is one that reasonably calls for consideration in the allocation of such above des- <br />cribed personnel to the end that the requirements of the armed services be met and at the same <br />time there be a proper allocation to the civilian population of the remaining personnel; and <br />WHEREAS Mrs. Garnett L. Radin is the owner, supervisor and operator of Indian River <br />Hospital situated at Vero Beach in Indian River County, Florida; she is the only person in such <br />county capable of directing, operating and supervising such hospital; she is the only person <br />in such county capable of administering cyclopropane anesthetic or any anesthetic of similar <br />type; she has operated and directed such hospital in this community for the past ten years and <br />prior to such time this community had no hospital facilities. <br />The said hospital is a twenty-one bed hospital and is the only hospital situated in <br />Indian River County. It serves a population in the county of approximately ten thousand peo- <br />ple who are resident therein and also an additional population of a transient or temporary nat- <br />ure and consisting of several thousand persons annually. There are three incorporated cities <br />within such county, namely, Vero Beach, the county seat, Fellsmere and Sebastian, and four other <br />unincorporated towns within said county have post offices, namely,,Roseland, Wabasso, Winter <br />Beach and Gifford. That there are no other hospital facilities within said county for said <br />communities and said county. That the nearest hospital to Indian River Hospital is at Fort <br />Pierce, Florida, a distance of approximately fifteen miles and serves as the only hospital in <br />St. Lucie County in which it is situated, a larger population than that served by Indian River <br />Hospital. That investigation discloses that the Fort Pierce Hospital is filled to capacity. <br />In addition, survivors from vessels sunk is the Atlantic are.being brought to the Fort Pierce <br />Hospital and the present emergency will possibly result in.all hospital facilities along the <br />e <br />east coast of Florida being used to the limit of their capacity. The hospital nearest to In - <br />than River Hospital other than the Dort Pierce Hospital is situated at Melbourne, Florida, a <br />distance of thirty-three miles. In the event of the clos ing.of Indian River Hospital there <br />would be no hospital facilities available for the citizens of Indian River County. In addition <br />there are indications that the area of Indian River County will be used by the armed services o <br />the United States for defense or training purposes by reason of facilities situated within such <br />area and this would bring further demands upon the local hospital facilities. Preliminary inve. <br />stigation indicates that by reason of the existing demand for nurses it is improbable that Mrs. <br />Radin can be replaced at this -time by any person capable of supervising and directing such hos- <br />pital and of administering anesthetics of a modern nature. Therefore; <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, Florida, <br />that in view of the factual situation presented by the foregoing recitals in this resolution <br />that the appropriate Officers having charge of the call to service of nurses in -the Naval Re- <br />serve be requested to reconsider the call directed to Mrs. Radin for active service and defer <br />such call in order that she be permitted to remain in her present capacity at the Indian River <br />Hospital at Vero Beach, Indian River County, Florida. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners of In- <br />I. <br />1 <br />