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Last modified
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6/9/2015 11:11:31 AM
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I % <br />1-1 <br />579 <br />these minutes. <br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, -showing receipts and disbursements <br />of the various funds, which having been audited was found to be correct. <br />adjourned. <br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then <br />ATTES <br />- - - - - - - - =- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - <br />TUESDAY, MAY 5th, 1942. <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian, River County, Florida, met at the Court <br />House in Vero Beach at 10;00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, May 5th, 1942, in regular meeting with the <br />following members of the Board present: C. S. Michael, Chairman; S. E. Glover, Albert 0. Hel- <br />seth, Frank C. Vickers and W.. G. -Graves, Jr. Also present were Wm. W. Frick, Sheriff, Chas. <br />A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board and Douglas Baker, Clerk. <br />The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. <br />It was ordered Sarah Padgett, and Corine Jones be removed from the Paupers list as <br />they are now receiving State aid for dependent children. <br />It was ordered Mary J: Law and Leila Elizabeth Lewis be removed from the Mothers <br />Pension List as they are now receiving State Aid. <br />The Clerk reported the sum of $25.00 received on Hospitalization for W. J. Studstill <br />and the sum ordered placed in the General Revenue Fund. <br />Verdict of coroners jury in the matter of the inquest on the body of Richard Williamsl' <br />was received and ordered filed. <br />On motion made by Commissioner Graves, seconded by Commissioner Helseth and <br />ly carred, Douglas Baker, Clerk, was authorized to purchase one (1) miscellaneous record book <br />#3 and a deed record #39`. <br />Application of..David McGill, Fellsmere, Florida, for a license to sell intoxicating <br />liquM wines and beer was received and after careful consideration the same, on motion made <br />by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Glover and carried the same was disapproved <br />on the grounds that the place of business was located tooclose to a church. <br />Notary Public Bond for Earle G. Thatcher in the sum of $500.00 with the American <br />Surety Company of Few York as surety, was approved. <br />Mr. Leo Cahill appeared before the Board with regard to construction of a bridge in <br />order to obtain access to his,property: Engineer Carter stated the cost of construction of the <br />bridge would be approximately 0100.00. It was moved by W. C. Graves Jr., seconded by Albert 0. <br />Helseth and carried that the Board would expend a sum not to exceed $50.00 towards the con- <br />struction of the birdge provided Mr. Cahill would match this amount. <br />Miss Leila M. Bunkley, County Nurse,,appeared before the Board and made a report of <br />her activities for the month of April. <br />Bunkle y . <br />The Board approved treatments for a negro girl at the jail, as recommended by Miss <br />It was ordered Emma Crocker receive the sum of $10.00 for the month of May from the <br />General 'Revenue . Fund. <br />On motion made by W. C. Graves Jr., seconded by S. E. Glover and unamiously earried, <br />the salary of C. E. Strait, Janitor, was increased from $75.00 to $80.00 per month, until the <br />further orders of the Board. <br />On motion made by W. C. Graves Jr., seconded by S. T. Glover and carried the Board <br />
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