<br />585
<br />and Wabasso Bridge District; also requesting the Board to replace funds, heretofore impounded
<br />while on'daposit with the paying bank by making a transfer of gasoline funds from the Kanner
<br />Bill account to t-he:applicable Interest and Sinking Fund Account.
<br />It was ordered that the sum of $7.50 be paid from the General Revenue Fund for tran-
<br />sportation expense in connection with the Patton Boy returning home from Father Flangan's
<br />Boys School.
<br />On motion made by S. E. Glover, seconded by W. C. Graves and unanimously carried
<br />the Board approved the Blue Cypress Lake proposition as out linad in a letter on file in the
<br />Clerk's office, dated May 23rd, 1942, directed to Douglas Baker, Clerk, and signed by Charles
<br />A. Mitchell, for a five (5) point proposal.
<br />On motion made by Commissioner Glover, seconded by Colhmissioner Graves and unanimous
<br />J
<br />ly carried the Board approved the purchase of disinfectant for the Jail to cost approximately
<br />$25.00.
<br />Members of the County Planing and Zoning Committee, namely E. W. Vickers, Robert
<br />Graves, G. Darnel and Chester F. McCluer (E. P. Poole absent) met with the Board and Mr.
<br />L. G. Darnell was elected temporary chairman.
<br />Lieutenant Haworth, resident officer in charge of construction of the Navy Air
<br />Operational Training Base at Vero Beach, requested the Zoning and Planing Committee to zone
<br />the area adjoining the Navy Base. After considerable discussion it was decided to hold an-
<br />other meeting Monday night, June 8th, 1942, at 7:302. M. at the Court House together with the
<br />members of the City Zoning and Planibg Committee, together with the Cfty~:Clerk and the City
<br />Engineer.
<br />The Clerk was instructed to ascertain the Company next in line for Gas & oil business
<br />and so advise the agent.
<br />The several bills and accodnts against the County, having been audited, were ex-
<br />amined and found correct, were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such bills
<br />and accounts being on file in the dffice of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The Warrants so
<br />issued from the respective funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute Book, as provided by
<br />the rules of the State Auditor, reference to such record and the list so recerdad,>-being made
<br />a part of these minutes.
<br />The County. Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disbursement
<br />-
<br />Of the Various funds, .which having been audited were found to be correct.
<br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried the Board then
<br />adjourned until 7:30 P. M. Monday, June 8th, 1942.
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<br />- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
<br />MONDAY, JUNE 8th, 1942. -
<br />The Board of County commissioners of Indian River County met at the Court House,
<br />in Vero Beach at 7:30 P. M. Monday, June 8th, 1942, in a regular adjourned meeting with the
<br />following members of the Board present: C. S. Michael, Chairman; S. E. Glover, W. C. Graves,J .
<br />Frank C. Vickers. Absent: Albert 0. Helseth. Also present were Chas. A. Mitchell, Attorney
<br />to the Board, and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />Members of the County Zoning and Planing Committee, namely E. W. Vickers, Robert
<br />E. P Pool® �b t
<br />Braves, C. F. McCluer, and E. G. Darnell were present,1%togethdrAwfl the members of the City
<br />