<br />Estimates having been made by the Trustees of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 16,
<br />and the Trustees having certified the rate of milia ge voted to be assessed it was determined f
<br />that a tax rate of 2.5 mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and assessed for 11
<br />ion of bonds of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7, and in pursuance of the requirements of !j
<br />law, and as estimated by the County Board of Public Instruction, it is determined and here-
<br />by declared that a tax rate of Two and two-fifths (2'2/5) mills upon the dollar, be levied,
<br />d
<br />and is hereby fixed and assessed for.,, he year 1942, on all of the property in the County of
<br />1 the year 1942, on all of the property in the County of Indian River lying and being within
<br />the boundar*es of the said District No. 16, which boundaries are as follows, to -wit: Beginn-
<br />ing at the Northeast corner of Sec. 219 Tp. 33 S., R. 40 E., then run west along Section line
<br />to N.. W. Corner Seo. 199 Tp. 33 S., R. 36 E., thence South along Range Line to S. W. Corner 11
<br />P of Sec. 31, Tp. 33 S. R. 36 East, thence East along Section line to Atlantic Ocean, thence
<br />N orth along Ocean Beach to starting point.
<br />To meet the interest payment and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redemption
<br />of bonds of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 1, and in pursuance of the requirements of law, and
<br />as estimated by the County Board of Public Instruction, it is determined and hereby declardd 'y
<br />that a tax rate of Three 2/5 (3 2/5) mills upon the dollar, be levied, and is hereby affixed
<br />•
<br />and assessed for the year 1942, on all of the property in the County of Indian River, lying 1
<br />and being within the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 1 the boundaries of which l
<br />said District being described above in these minutes.
<br />To meet the interest payments and provider a sinking fund for the ultimate redempt- '..
<br />,
<br />ion of bonds of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 7, and in pursuance of the requirements of !j
<br />law, and as estimated by the County Board of Public Instruction, it is determined and here-
<br />by declared that a tax rate of Two and two-fifths (2'2/5) mills upon the dollar, be levied,
<br />d
<br />and is hereby fixed and assessed for.,, he year 1942, on all of the property in the County of
<br />• by law, and as estimated by the Board of Commissioners, it is determined and hereby declared
<br />that a tax rate of One and two-fifths (1 2/5) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby
<br />fixed and assessed for the year 1942, on all of the property in the County of Indian River,
<br />lying and being within the boundaries of said Indian River Mosquito control District, the
<br />q
<br />boundaries of said District being described as follows, to -wit: All of that territory in
<br />!� Indian River County, Florida, included with the boundaries described as follows, to -wit:.
<br />Indian River, lying and being within the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 7,
<br />i
<br />the boundaries of which said District being described above in these minutes.
<br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking fund for the ultimate redempt-
<br />ion of bonds and Time :warrants of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 11, and in pursuance of the
<br />requirements of law, and as estimated by the County Board of Public Instruction, it is deter-
<br />.,
<br />mined and hereby declared that a tai rate of Three (3) mills upon the dollar, be levied, and
<br />is hereby fixed and assessed for the year 1942, on all of the property in the County of Indian
<br />River lying and being within the boundaries of Special Tax School District No. 11, the bound-
<br />cries of which said Distri6t being described above in these minutes, One and three -fourth
<br />(1..3/4) mills to be used for the paying of interest and providing a sinking hind for refund-
<br />ing bonds of said District dated the first day of December, 1936, and one and one-fourth
<br />(1 1/4) mills for the purpose of paying interest upon, and providing a sinking fund for bonds
<br />of said district dated December 1, 1940.
<br />To meet the interest payments and provide a sinking Hind for the ultimate redemption
<br />of bonds of SPECIAL TAX SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 14, and in pursuance of law and as estimated by
<br />the County Board of Public Instruction, it is determined and hereby deblared that a tax rate
<br />of Three and two fifths (3,,'2/5) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby fixed and ass-
<br />j essed for the year 1942, on all of the property in the County of Indian River, lying and being
<br />within the boutdaries of which said District being described above in these minutes.
<br />j
<br />i Estimates having been bade by the Board of Commissioners of INDIAN RIVER MOSQUITO
<br />1
<br />CONTROL DISTRICT, and a certified copy of the resolution filed with this Board, as required
<br />• by law, and as estimated by the Board of Commissioners, it is determined and hereby declared
<br />that a tax rate of One and two-fifths (1 2/5) mills upon the dollar be levied, and is hereby
<br />fixed and assessed for the year 1942, on all of the property in the County of Indian River,
<br />lying and being within the boundaries of said Indian River Mosquito control District, the
<br />q
<br />boundaries of said District being described as follows, to -wit: All of that territory in
<br />!� Indian River County, Florida, included with the boundaries described as follows, to -wit:.
<br />