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Last modified
3/15/2018 4:17:36 PM
Creation date
6/8/2015 2:37:16 PM
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Special Call Meeting
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thence South-easterly on a curve of 19 degrees and 10. minutes to the left, 284.34 feet <br />to a point in the center of the County Road as shown on the plat of the East View <br />Development Company's subdivision, as recorded on page 31, plat book 4 records of It. <br />Lucie County, Florida; the above described tract of land also being parts of Lots 21, <br />22; 32 and 33 of subdivision Number 1 and parts of Lots 18; 19; and 20 of , subdivision <br />Number two. <br />It was ordered that the same be accepted and entered for record in the Clerk's <br />office. <br />It was ordered the sum of §1,000.00 be set aside out of the Publicity Fund for <br />advertising at the American Legion convention to be held in Philadelphia during the fall. <br />of 1926. This amount to be paid to the Felix Poppell Post of American Legion for <br />advertising Indian River County. <br />It was ordered that Knight & Ring be employed to drill an artesian well at the <br />County garage for the price of 50% per lineal foot. <br />It was ordered that the County Engineer repair the streets in Fellsmere and the <br />cost of same be deducted and credited against the amount of Road & Bridge tax due the <br />City from the County on account of 1925 tax collections. <br />It was ordered that the Clerk write the State Road Department with respect to <br />drainage on the East side of the Dixie Highway at Winter Beach and North of Wabasso <br />which is now inadequate, as the drainage only goes to the marsh. <br />It was ordered screen doore be placed on all the County" offices. <br />The several accounts against the County, having been audited, were examined and <br />approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. the .bills and accounts on file in <br />the Clerk's office being a part of these minutes. <br />The County Depositories of the County filed their monthly statements showing <br />receipts, disbursements and balance on hand, which were found correct,. <br />The Board then adjourned_until Thursday, July 29th, 19 -at o'clock P.M. <br />4,9sIveev__ <br />ATTEST: <br />rman <br />THURSDAY, JULY 29th 1926. <br />At a special meeting of the Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County, <br />held in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court at Vero Beach, on the 29th day of <br />July 1926, there were present the following County Commissioners: John H.Atkin,Chairrnan; <br />Geo.A.Braddock; J.C.LeBruce and Donald Forbes. <br />The Chairman announced that this special meeting was held for the purpose of con- <br />sidering and acting upon and adopting the estimates of the expenses for the fiscal year <br />commencing with October 1st 1926 and ending September 30th 1927, which were prepared and <br />entered upon the minutes of the meeting of the Board of County Commissioners, held on <br />the 13th day of July 1926, and to fix the rate of taxation for the year 1926. <br />A copy of the advertisement containing the estimates or budget made by the Board of <br />County Commissioners at a meeting held at the Court House on the 13th day of July 1926, <br />with the publisher's affidavit annexed as presented to the Board and ordered spread upon <br />the minutes and is in words and figures as follows: <br />
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