Mr. Young further stated that he had in mind making this request at the expense of I
<br />the County, but after making investigation he felt that the Sheriff could afford to pay such
<br />a deputy -from the net revenue received throught the sheriff's office and -that he Further do -
<br />sired that the Board instruct the Sheriff to provide a deputy acceptable to the Board.
<br />Other uitizensspresent,,spoke along the same lines and the Sheriff being present
<br />was questioned at length regarding the existing situation. -The Sheriff stated that he was
<br />making an earneatcdffort to correct the situation and would cooperate to the extent of con -
<br />tatting all growers and packing house operators after apprehending any such vagrants who
<br />were supposed, to be employees of the growers and packing house operators.
<br />The Board advised Dir. Young, and the other citizens present, that they have no
<br />jurisdiction over the Sheriff with regard to this request in so far as the request relating
<br />to special deputy is concerned.
<br />There being no.furtheibusiness,.on motion. made, seconded and carried the Board then
<br />adjourned.
<br />i
<br />A71�T:
<br />41,19 9 _/ 'i
<br />wow s w w s + w w w • w w — rr — w � abw"
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian diver County, Florida, met at the Court
<br />House in Fero Beach at 4:00 o'clock P. M., Saturday, December 19, 19.29 in regular adjourned
<br />meeting with the following members of the Board present: C. Si, Miohael, Chairman W. C. Graves,...''
<br />.ire, Albert 0` Helseth, and Frank C. Vickers, Absent: S. E. Glover. Also present were Charles
<br />i�
<br />A. Mitchell, Attorney to the Board,. and Douglas Baker; Clerk.,
<br />Surety Bond for 4'. M. Barnes, Commissioner of lodian River Mosquito Control,Distriet
<br />in the suit of $5000.00 with V. S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore Maryland as
<br />surety, was approved.
<br />Surety Bond for W. F. Cox, Commissioner of Indian River Mosquito Control District,
<br />in the sum of $5000.00, with U, S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Balit*ore,Maryland, as
<br />surety, was approved.
<br />A renewal_eertifioate on Bond in the sum of $5000.00 in behalf of Edward M. Becton
<br />Commission of Indian River Mosquito Control District with the.Fidelity and Casualty Company
<br />of New York as surety, was approved.
<br />Surety Bond for Clayton T. Browne, member of the Board of Public Instruction from
<br />ye-' e , ® a
<br />District #1 in the sum of $3000.00, with the Continental. Casualty Company of Chicago, Illinois
<br />as surety, was approved.
<br />Surety Bond for Oscar L. DuBose member of the Board of Public Instruction from
<br />District #3, in the.sum of $3000.00, with the Continental Casualty Company of Chicago, Illinois
<br />as surety, was approved.
<br />Surety Bond for Frank C. Vickers, member of the Board of County Commissioners from
<br />District No. 1, in the sum, of $2000.00, with the Continental Casualty Company of Chicago,
<br />Illinois, as surety-., was approved.
<br />Surety Bond for G. E. Barkoskie, member of the Board of County Commissioners from
<br />District #2, in the sum of $2000.00, with -.the Continental. Casualty Company of Chicago, Illinois
<br />as surety, was approved.
<br />Surety Bond for S. E. Mover, member of the Board .of..- County Commissioners from,
<br />District 3, in the sure of $2000.00, with the U.'`.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Company of Baltimore,,
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