<br />The several bills and accounts against the County, having been audited, were examined
<br />and found correct, were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such bills and
<br />accounts being on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, the Warrants so issued j
<br />from the respective funds being listed in the Supplemental Minute Book, as provided by the
<br />rules of the State Auditor, reference to such record and the list so recorded being made a parti
<br />of these minutes.
<br />The County Depository filed its monthly statement, showing receipts and disbursements
<br />j, of the various funds, which having been audited were found to be correct.
<br />There being no further business, on motion made, seconded and earried,the Board then 1.
<br />adjourned. '6� A
<br />ATTES -
<br />CLER�.
<br />- o - - - o - - - - o o - - o - - - - o - - o r --- - - o - - -
<br />,TUESDAY2S ICER 7. 1943
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian RiverCountymet at the Court House in
<br />Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, September 7, 194.39 in regular meeting with the
<br />following members of the Board present: S. E. Glover, Frank C. Vickers, Albert 0. Helseth, and„
<br />j G. E. Barkoskie. Absent: Chairman W. C. Graves, ;r. Also present were 1m. W. Frick, Sheriff,
<br />Ik Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, and Douglas Baker, Clerk.
<br />In the absence of Chairman Graves, S. E. Glover, Chairman Pro Tom, presided. Minutes
<br />of the previous meeting were read and approved.
<br />It was ordered Arora Rogers be removed from the Mother's Pension list.
<br />J. M. Knight, W. S. Buckingham, T. E. Hogan and J. Hubert Graves appeared before the
<br />i;
<br />jj Board and requested the Board to employ a County Agent and named several reasons for making the'',
<br />i'
<br />request however, mainly for the purpose of assisting to establish a Foreign Labor Camp. Mr.
<br />Knight and Mr. Buckingham spoke for the committee and in so doing, told of a meeting of farmers')
<br />and growers which had been held some time prior and at this meeting a Labor Board Committee
<br />was Wledted _coasisting of C. Graves Wilhoit, Chairmen, W. S. Beckingham, Secretary, C. C. Bush
<br />i L'. X. Knight and ;ohn S. Peters. The committee of might, Graves and Hogan were instructed to
<br />j' meet with the Board of County Commissioners with regard to requesting a County Agent and advised
<br />i r
<br />the Board that the County.would be expected to pay $150.00 per month salary together with offico
<br />space and equipment -for the County Agent and that the Government would pay $14.2.00 per month.
<br />This information was given to them by Mr. A. P. Spencer, Associate Director of the Agricultural
<br />Extension Service of Gainesville. It was pointed out a County Agent would be very valuable at I,
<br />i,
<br />this time in view of the fact a representative would be needed to give his full time to handle
<br />the Labor Camp if one is obtained. After considerable discussion and due consideration, it wast
<br />moved by Frank C. Vickers, seconded by Albert 0. Helseth and unanimously carried, a County
<br />Agent be employed and that Douglas Baker, Clerk, be instructed to advise Bir. Spencer of Gaines-,,
<br />ville to this effect and request him or his agent meet with this Board at an early date.
<br />It was ordered W. H. Williams, Winter Beach, Florida, be paid the sum of $12.00 per
<br />month from the General Revenue Fund for September, October and November.
<br />Application of Annie aackson, colored, for admission to State Tuberculosis Sanatorium,
<br />Orlando, was approved.
<br />It was ordered that M. MoBachron, Fellsmere, be paid the sum of $6:00 per month for
<br />rent for Henry Crane, colored.
<br />II
<br />