<br />65s
<br />TCEBDAS, SEPTEMBER 14, 1943
<br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River,Gounty met at the Court House in
<br />Vero Beach, at 10:00 o'clock A. M. Tuesday, September 14, 19439 in regular adjourned meeting
<br />with the following members of the Board present: W. C. Graves, Jr., Chairman: Albert O.Helsetl�
<br />P
<br />G. E. Barkoskie, Frank C. Vickers and S. E. Glover. Also present were Mm. W. Frick, Sheriff,
<br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, and Douglas Baker, Clerk. Mr. Vii. T. Nettles,
<br />District Agent of Agricultural Extension Service, Gainesville, met with the Berard in regard to
<br />employing a County Agent. Also present at this meeting were C. G. Wilhoit, Chairman of the
<br />County Foreign Labor Camp Committee, A. M. Hill, Jr., J. Hubert Graves and George Cox.
<br />Mr. Nettles explained the purpose and program of the Agricultural Extension Service
<br />and stated that it was necessary for a County Agent to have an Agricultural Degree, then the
<br />applications for the position of County Agent had to be filed with the Extension Service Board
<br />in Gainesville. Mr. Nettles further stated that the Extension Service had charge of the
<br />personnel and the program insofar as County Agentb.are concerned. However, anyone who might
<br />•
<br />be selected by the Extension Service for County Agent would require the approval.of the Board
<br />of County Commissioners. He also stated that there was a possibility of obtaining a man by
<br />the first of October and that it was his desire to obtain a man to fit in and be a leader in
<br />agricultural service.
<br />The Board agreed to pay the sum of $150.00 per month and to furnish an office and
<br />office equipment for a County Agent, also perhaps a small miscellaneous fund for the purpose
<br />of telegrams, stationery, etc., with the understanding that said County Agent receive the sum
<br />of $142.00 per month from Government sources. The foregoing agreement to be in full force and
<br />effect until the further orders of the Board.
<br />Application for the position of County Agent was received from Mr. 0. P. Ward of
<br />Pero Beach and the application was referred to Mr. A. F. Spencer of Gainesville in view of the:
<br />foregoing information as to the procedure of employing and selecting a Oounty Agent.
<br />Chairman C. Graves Wilhoit of the Labor Camp Committee, reported that several sites
<br />had been offered gratis and the selection of one of these sites was being considered.
<br />rCommissioner Barkoskie was instructed to authorize E. E. Carter, County Engineer,
<br />to repair.eettaim toads in the Fellsmere area.
<br />On motion made by Albert 0. Helseth, seconded by G. E. Barkoskie and unanimously 1l
<br />carried, the Board authorized Douglas Baker, Clerk, to invest surplus County Funds, according I,
<br />to law, in U. S. Government War Bonds, the type of Bonds to be recommended by Hon. J. Edwin
<br />'I Larson, State Treasurer, from the respective funds and amounts as follows, to -wit:
<br />Special Road and Bridge District #1, Maintenance Fund - - - - 11000.00
<br />Special Road and Bridge District #4, Maintenance Fund - - - - 39000.00
<br />Vero Bridge District Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 49000.00
<br />Quay Bridge District Fund - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 79000.00
<br />Road and Bridge Fund -------------- - - - - -- 209000.00
<br />Total - - - - - - - - - $359000.00
<br />Commissioner Helseth introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption, to-,
<br />wit:
<br />WIMMAS, the respective boards and taxing districts being authorized to fix and levy,
<br />e taxes upon property situated within Indian giver County, Florida, as provided by law, fixed
<br />such tax levies and have certified the same to this Board and'this Board having considered the;l
<br />i
<br />same and having then found them to be proper, therefore be it resolved that; (�
<br />(� To meet the current expenses incidental and necessary to the operation of the Public
<br />i
<br />Schools of the County, and to pay the salaries of teachers, bus drivers and repair school
<br />it ''
<br />