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i <br />1 <br />is <br />1 <br />D <br />40 <br />The Board of County Commissioners of Indian River County met at the Indian River County <br />meat..iit Court House in Vero Beach, at 10:00 otclock A. M. Tuesday, Zune 6th, 1944, in re- <br />`gular meeting with the following members of the Board present. W. C. Graves, Zr., Chairman; <br />S. E. Glover, Frank C. Vickers and Albert 0. Helseth and G. S. Barkoskle. Also present were <br />Wm. W. Frick, sheriff, Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney for the Board, 3. E.` Carter, County tngi•- <br />is neer, and Douglas Baker, clerk. <br />Minutes of the previous meetings were read and approved. <br />It was ordered a warrant be issued on the'Geaeral Revenue Fund to Mr. P. T. Durham in thei <br />sum of $91.66 representing the County's portion of refund for eleven months on State and County;' <br />I!beverage license No. 41, is <br />sued 249 1944. <br />On Motion wade by Commissioner Vickers, seconded by Co=ni.ssioAer Helseth and unanimously <br />carried, it was ordered that Miss Leila.Bunkley receive her regulaIr monthly compensation and <br />iathat her warrant be mailed to Mr. F. W. Heiser of Fellsmere, Florida, also that Miss Irene <br />Harms, acting nurse, receive the sum of $150*00 for her service during the mouth of May. G1 <br />Mr. Thomas Reed of Roseland appeared before the Board requesting certain road repairs. <br />,this matter was referred to E. E. Carter, County Engineer, with authority to act. Id <br />I <br />On motion made by Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Vickers and unanimously <br />carried, E. E. Carter, County Engineer, was instructed to provide and construct a pipe under <br />the road near the residence of Mrs. Ed Walker. Mrs. Walker agreed to pay the costs for mater -o <br />ial and labor. <br />Mrs. Kepler dallied the Board's attention to an Artesian well which was running wild on <br />said land east of Emerson.Avenue. This matter was referred to E. E. Carter, County Engineer,'. <br />Application of. Barrett's Restruarant by 5. F. Barrett for a license to sell intoxicating <br />after <br />liquors, wines and beer was received end/oerefully considering the same, on motion made, second <br />"-ed and carried the same was approved. <br />1� Application of Sebastian Ina by Earl L. Roberts for a license to sell intoxicating li- <br />;jquors, wines and beer was received and after considerating the same, on motion made seconded <br />and carried the same was approved subject to the approval of the City of Sebastian. <br />Miss Irene Harms, aoting County Nurse, appeared before the Board and filled a report of <br />her activities for the month of May as follows, to -wit* <br />C0M= NUMOS S MONTHL'Yr REPORT FOR May 1944 <br />Number of cases for the month 4------_--..—.u,...,_,,,.a------ror, 8 <br />Number of visits to these asses "15 <br />Visits in behalf of these oases - - - - - - - -P 10 <br />To the Florida Cripple Children=s Commission <br />Orlando, Florida <br />Venereal Disease Clinics - - - - - _ _ _ it ii � � ,. � it ii 5 <br />Cases trea Led 126 <br />Humber of treatments 276 <br />Blood Tests ----...... 27 <br />Delinquents reporting ±. - .. - 82 <br />Inactive, delinquent, transferred and discharged 350 <br />Hospitalized at rapid Treatment Center Ocala, Florida - 3 <br />immunization and Hookworm Clinics* - • -- - .. - g <br />Families attending 40 <br />.Children attending - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +: w 84 <br />Tested for hookworm -:.r_ .. _ .. - .. no ., .. .A _ <br />Treated-------------------------------------------------- 2 <br />Vaccinated for Smallpox -r _ - - - - - " w .. to m .. _ " 43 <br />