11. M. Pennington, as President of the City Council and head of the legislative body of the City
<br />lof Felismere; and Mrs. Ida G. Dixon, as the Tag Assessor of the City of. Fellsmere. Present were]
<br />jAlex MaoWilliam, as Mayor and Chief Executive Officer of .the City of Fero Beach; Paul Beindorf,
<br />;as President of the City Council and head of the legislative body of the City of Vero Beach•, "
<br />J
<br />land A. C. MacConnell, as Tax Assessor. of the City of Nero Beach. Also present were other offi-
<br />�Icials _of said respective cities.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners and the above designated and described officials of'said
<br />municipalities then entered into a discussion of the price of each parcel of land to be fixed
<br />in connection with the sale thereof under the provisions of said Chapter 22079.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners and said designated officials of the City of Vero Beach,
<br />unanimously and jointly determined and agreed that the price of all such land situate within the
<br />corporate limits of the City of Vero Beach, should be 506 of the amount of the last assessed
<br />aluation appearing upon the county tax roll.
<br />n,
<br />The Board of County Commissioners and said designated officials of the City of Fellsmere, un
<br />�ganimously and jointly determined and agreed that the price of all such land situate within the
<br />";corporate limits of the City of Fellsmere, should be 50% of the amount of 'the last assessed
<br />s
<br />valuation appearing upon the county tax roll.
<br />The Board of County Commissioners did thereupon determine that the price of each parcel of
<br />such land situate without the corporate limits of any municipality within said county, be fixed
<br />lat 50% of the amount of the last valuation appearing upon the county tax roll.
<br />The officials of the City of Sebastian, being the sole remaining city within said county,
<br />Mother than the Cities of Fellsmere and Vero Beach, did not appear at the meeting, but advised
<br />d,
<br />h,!that tMy, would be present at the next meeting of the Board. to be held October 3, 1944.
<br />It was thereupon ordered by the Board that upon this meeting adjourning, it adjourned to
<br />10 W olock.A. M. October 3, 1944; and that after the holding of a meeting with the designated
<br />officials of the City of Sebastian, as provided by said Chapter 22079, resolution would be
<br />adopted by the Board of County Commissioners describing separately each parcel of lard so ac-
<br />quired and now owned by Indian River County, and fixing the price of such lands.
<br />C. Graves Wilhoit, C. C. Bush, Jack Peters and Marcel A. Boudet appeared before the Board
<br />ith regard to needed funds in behalf of the Foreign Labor Cmp&` The Committee requested
<br />r,,a payment in the sum of $200.00 for the promotion of Agriculture to provide the necessary ex-
<br />pense for the establishment of a labor camp in Indian River County, Florida. On motion made by
<br />� 4
<br />;Commissioner Glover, seconded by Commissioner Helseth and unanimously carried this amount was
<br />��ordered paid to Indian River County General Labor Advisory Board for the purpose heretofore
<br />hhmentioned such sum to *be paid from the General Revenue Fund. 't
<br />Application of John Capone (Saratoga Bar) for a license to sell intoxicating liquors, wines
<br />1, 0
<br />;and beers was inspected and after carefully considering the same, on Motion made, seconded and
<br />i
<br />*rried, the same was approved. 1i
<br />a
<br />Application of Bunky Salter (Saratoga Bar) for a license to sell intoxicating liquors, wines
<br />l'azid beers was inspected and after carefully considering the same, on Motion made, seconded and
<br />;carried, the same was approved.
<br />�I
<br />Application of Royal Park Golfers Association, Inc. by L. M. Merriman, Secretary and Treasur-
<br />er, for a license to sell-intoxioating liquors, wines and beers was inspected and after careful-
<br />ly considering the same, on Motion made, seconded and carried, the same was approved.
<br />Votary Public Bond for Jeanne Humiston in the sum.of $500.00 with Massachusetts Bonding and i
<br />;Insurance Company of Boston, Massachusetts as Surity was approved September 7, 1944,9, by Douglas
<br />Baker '014kk Circuit. Court.
<br />Notary Public Bond for Charles C. -Tewett in the sum of, $500.00 with- the Ammerican Surety
<br />I
<br />;Company of New York as Surity was approved September 12, 1944 by Douglas Baker, Clerk Circuit
<br />,Court.
<br />i.,
<br />Y
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