W. C. graves .Jr., Chairman and Z. 2, Carter, County sneer, were sol"t®d:ass a committee
<br />i with power. to , sot to contact Mr. 0. W. Fletcher:,; Contractor, and arrange . with him to contract ;!
<br />for working with his equipment and.labor on.a per.dibm basis to repair the Winter Beach bridge
<br />and Fender System.
<br />Charles A. Mitchell, Attorney, was requested to corrsapond w,lth the United States
<br />Coast Guard in connection with acquiring buildings constructed by the Coast -Guard at the
<br />Wabasso beach.
<br />It appearing the ne xtregular meeting of this Board would be held on Tuesday, Nov-
<br />ember 7th and because of this being general election day and :further that,the November terms of
<br />Court opens on this day's it woe deemed advisable and -.on .=tion made by -Albert 0. Beleeth and
<br />seconded by Frank 0.'lakers and unanimously carried the mrd agreed to most at 10:00 o'olook,:
<br />.
<br />A. M., Wednesday* November lst,.1944, in lieu of Tuesday, November 7, 1944.
<br />The;several,bill® and accounts against the County, having been audited, were exam -
<br />fined and found correct, were approved and warrants issued in settlement of same. Such bills
<br />and accounts being -on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit. Court, the Warrants so ie»
<br />sued from the respective funds being listed In the Supplemental Minute :.Book, as provided by the
<br />rules of the State Auditor, reference to such 'record and the list so recorded being made a pa"
<br />of these minutes.
<br />The County Depository tiled its monthly statement, showing receipts and disburser
<br />meats of the various funder which having been audited sere found to be correct.
<br />Them being no further business, on motion made, seconded and carried, the Board
<br />then adjourned to meet at.1®00 o'olook, A. M., Wednesday, October 189-19"t as required by
<br />i .
<br />AST.
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<br />. SDA. 18. 1
<br />The Board _of County Commissioners of Indian River County -mot -at the_Court Nouse in
<br />Vero Beech, at 10:.00 of4lock, A. M. Wednesday, October 18i 19", In regular adjournedmeeting
<br />• with the following members .of -the - Board _present: W. 0, groves, dr., Chairman, Albert 0. Ael-
<br />_ _ Seth, - S. 20 -Glover and G , B. Barkoskie. Absent: Frank 0. Fiskers. - Also presentwore DeA.
<br />Lawson,, Supervisor of Registration, Obo ries .A. Mitchel., .-Attorney azd Douglas Baker, Clark.
<br />..'As provided by law the Board then proceeded to revise the registration books of
<br />the _.County as follows,, to -wit:
<br />Notice is hereby -given that - the Board of' - County Commissioners : of India n River Coun,�',
<br />ty, Florida-Awve met as provided by law and ®zamined and revised the regl3tration books of
<br />sold County and have erased therefrom the name of all such as have died or removed from the
<br />County or from one District to another In the County or who are otherwise disqualiflead . to vote I1
<br />and that a liat of the names that have been erased or taken from the rigiittibtion books of
<br />each D16ttlat in said County,. either by the Supervisor of Megletratlon o'r said Board of County a
<br />Commissioners is hereinafter listed as follows:
<br />Slays, St... �• ,
<br />Fisher, .Mary S.
<br />s,urr, Mra.= Ciera
<br />no to, 41ohn W.
<br />madsota,, :�'� �'•
<br />Patton, w. F.
<br />Pesat, Adolf
<br />Pesat, Wthe1
<br />Westwan, August A.
<br />Ashburner j ai Jlr.
<br />Ashburner, Mrs. 8., B.'
<br />Atchley i W. T. -: =
<br />Atc®y, Mrs. W. T.
<br />Braddock, Marie
<br />Baughman® Be -Ile,
<br />joys, MWred
<br />Carpenter,.Wette
<br />Fierier, Besnier
<br />Fulton, Robert
<br />