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W. an <br />Assessor off Taxes, 531in ver ounty. <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA <br />To Troy F. Moody, Tax Collector of the County of Indian River: <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal property, from <br />each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed Iutangible,Personal Property Assess - <br />i <br />me�nf Boli t the taxes set down in each roll opposite each name of person, firm or corporation <br />therein described, and in case taxes so,imposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law, <br />you are to collect the same by levy and sale of the ,goods and chattels, lands and tenements to <br />the person, firm or corporation so taxes; end all sums collected for t State taxes yo+a are to <br />I <br />r <br />if 'No. of Blood Tests made� , .;: 89. ; <br />No. sof Conferences with -State Board of Health, Doctors and Nurses 4 <br />. <br />No. of Conferences with Welfare Cases, Worker's.. 2 <br />No. of Conferences with Crippled Childrens•_.Field Nurse 1 <br />No.. of Services to Veterans 1 <br />No. of Meetings attended 1 <br />----,-.."ka- - -- <br />It was ordered that the, stoonthly couay, warrant payable to M. McNachron in the S m of <br />$6.00 per sonthi rental for Henry Crane, be discontinued. It was ordered that Mrs. W. d. <br />(Estella) Robinson be removed from the paupers list as now,raceiving old age assistance.f <br />a On motion, UWde by Commissioner Vickors;seoonded, by Commissioner Solseth that the <br />county purohase:- three kereeene heaters -lone one -burner ,ap-.d two two -burner) . for the Courthouse. <br />On motion made by ' Commissioner Helseth, seconded by Commissioner Vickers and unanimous- <br />ly carried, . Rouglas Baker, Clerk.... was instructed to cash in or liquidate $59,000.00 of U. S. <br />Government BoedsGoad and Bridge Maintenance Fund) in order that the road and bridge payroll <br />and -other' road and bridge obligations -'or expenditures might be met. Bond No. 0-116399 in the <br />sum of $56000.00 was sent to the 'Federal Reserve Bank in Taokaonville for -redemption. <br />The oheirpan a0cunoe_d this meeting was called for the purpose of reoeiving the Tax <br />Rolle for the year„1944 on.Real and Personal Property and also Intangible Tax Roll. <br />The Coanty Assessor of Taxes$ W. R. Duncan, appeared before the Board and presented <br />the tax ro31s for the year 1944. on Reel and Personal Property - and also Intangible Tau Roll, <br />which were carefully examined and found correct and.on motion made by Albert 0. Helseth, seoondr <br />ed by Frank C. Vickers,,.and. carried, were approved, and the warrants to each of said rolls werel' <br />annexed thereto and is in words and figures following; <br />THE STATE OF FLORInk <br />To Troy E. Moody, Tax .Colleotor of the County of Indian River: <br />You are hereby ooamanded to collect out of the real estate and personal property, and it <br />from each of the persons and oorporaiions named in the annexed roll, the taxes set each' <br />roll opposite each nate, corporation or parcel of land therein described, and in case taxes so <br />unposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law, you are to collect the same by levy and <br />'i <br />, <br />sale of the goods and chattels, lauds and tenements so assessed, or of the person or corpora- <br />® <br />Y <br />tion so taxes; and all sums oollected for the State taxes you are to the State Treasur- <br />er at such time as may be required by law, and at the same time you are to pay to the legally <br />qualified Dopository all sums collected for county taxes, district school taxes and other spa- <br />offal taxes; and you are further required to make all collections on or before the first Monday <br />duly a final report to and settle-�I <br />in April; and on or before the first Monday in you .will make . <br />ment with the .Comptroller and County Commissioners,. <br />Given ander myhand and seal this the lot day of November, in the year A. N. 1944. <br />W. an <br />Assessor off Taxes, 531in ver ounty. <br />THE STATE OF FLORIDA <br />To Troy F. Moody, Tax Collector of the County of Indian River: <br />You are hereby commanded to collect out of the real estate and personal property, from <br />each of the persons and corporations named in the annexed Iutangible,Personal Property Assess - <br />i <br />me�nf Boli t the taxes set down in each roll opposite each name of person, firm or corporation <br />therein described, and in case taxes so,imposed are not paid at the time prescribed by law, <br />you are to collect the same by levy and sale of the ,goods and chattels, lands and tenements to <br />the person, firm or corporation so taxes; end all sums collected for t State taxes yo+a are to <br />I <br />